Electronics > Beginners

From no parts to decent stockpile, best approach?

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--- Quote from: armandine2 on March 03, 2024, 09:38:40 pm ---Re. de-soldering practice

... of course the haul of components from a pcb can be total, but unless you have noted the location and description of each component you may not be able to reassemble  :palm:

--- End quote ---

don't desolder until you need something. Make some notes about what you have to help you find something but most things won't get used ever so you can spend a lot of time removing things you may never use. Larger things like heatsinks  and the attached transistors are worth removing if only to make the PCB take up less space.

I trawled the Arrow website during their recent sale. I picked up some stuff like enclosures, wire, switches, panel lamps, heatshrink, banana plugs and sockets, binding posts, inductors. really anything that was too cheap to ignore that would complement the stuff I already had in my box-of-dreams (future projects).

Amazon had a pack that had a lot in it to get you going. I wont post the link in case it violates some rule


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