Electronics > Beginners

FS312F-G lithium cell protection IC - selection of depletion-mode MOSFETs

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Look up symbols of depletion mode versus enhancement mode mosfets. The thing that differentiates them is a solid versus a dotted line. The line in the schematic is solid, not dotted. The symbols in the datasheet schematic are for depletion mode mosfets. I think it's a badly done schematic if they are supposed to be enhancement mode.

I really doubt they should be depletion mode. It would make no sense for protection device, nor are they cheap or common. I think manufacturer just used incorrect MOSFET symbol in their datasheet.

They make breakout boards by the millions with these ICs and TP4056 for charge control. They commonly use FS8205A MOSFETs, which are not depletion mode.

GreatScott ended up using this part in the final version of a charger board, and I'm sure he didn't use depletion mode mosfets.  About 8:25 into the video.  He says it's the same as the DW01 except for the higher overdischarge voltage.

Thanks for the video link. I accept that they are enhancement mode; it was just a misleading schematic symbol. When I look at multiple images of capacitor symbols via Google Images, some say it's polarised and some don't. I'll just use a 0603 ceramic.


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