This turned into a crazy ass novel. I didn't really read through this or check it, so hope it makes sense.
For those that don't know, ARM doesn't make chips, they just design the cores and sell them to other companies to manufacture. The core is the actual processing unit and doesn't include peripherals, so even though many manufacturers make ARM7 chips, you can't just swap code between them, because the peripherals are different; timers, UART, SPI, I2C....all the setup and control registers for these are different. So you generally want to pick a specific manufacturer and stick with them if you can, but changing to another manufacturer is not exceedingly difficult.
One of the benefits of working with ARM's is that a JTAG programmer and a development environment will usually work with just about any of the ARM chips from the small low power Cortex-M0 to the ARM9 or C-A8. The JTAG connector is a standard 20 pin IDC connector which can be used for in circuit programming/debugging, just like you would with a PICkit. You can also reduce it to a 14 or 10 pin connector if you want to save space. ARM has started to implement Serial Wire Debug on their smaller chips with reduced pin count. SWD is a two wire debug interface that uses a smaller 1.27mm 10 pin header.
I'm just going to focus Cortex-M3. CM3 has come out fairly recently and it's pretty popular. Super cheap 32bit with high clock rates. It's a stripped down ARM core. Your options for Cortex-M3 development kits are:
Luminary Micro was the first with CM3 parts and has been bought out by Texas Instruments. They have a nice cheap $50 EKK-LM3S811 development kit with a 64k LM3S811 chip. The devel kit is also a JTAG programmer and supports SWD, so it can program other chips. This is a nice development kit and hard to pass up. LM has a C library called StellarisWare which makes programming pretty easy, but can suck up some memory/performance. Some of the higher chips have the StellarisWare library in ROM. has the STM32. I don't know much about them. When I first looked at them, the selection was pretty limited and expensive. They still seem expensive, but they have a ton of peripherals. The Primer2 development platform has a big following. just recently released their CM3 line. The LPC17XX are powerful large flash and fast chips with crazy peripherals. Ethernet, CAN, I2C FM+, even USB Host support. LPT13xx are smaller chips, still fast, with a regular peripheral selection. Their development kit is the LPCXpresso for the LPC13xx and it comes with it's own JTAG/SWD programmer that can be snapped off the devel board. It's only $30. The only downside is that the programmer is proprietary and is only supported by the Code Red development environment. MBED is also offered, which has a powerful LPC1768, but it has a Arduino style development environment. The main problem with the LPC13xx chips is that they only support SWD programming and SWD is only supported by a few programmers., development environment options for C. This is not an exhaustive list.
GCC is the free compiler. There are some development packages like YAGARTO that try to pull everything together for you. The IDE (Eclipse), the compiler (GCC), and the programmer (OpenOCD). I found OpenOCD to be difficult to deal with and had problems with it at the time with my 64bit OS, but many people use this successfully and it's had a few releases since I last tried it. Straight Eclipse also has a pretty unintuitive interface.
Keil and IAR are professional development tools that offer limited code size versions for free, but don't offer any unlimited hobby versions. If you want to use these over the limited code size, it's thousands of dollars for the full versions.
Code Red is a GCC compiler with an Eclipse interface. They do have a lower cost option, $256 for an update 256k limit compiler, $512 for a 512k limit compiler. Works with the LPCXpresso programmer. Says it's limited to NXP chips CM2, ARM7, and ARM9. Not certain if anything else is supported.
Rowley Crossworks also uses the GCC compiler, but they have their own IDE and it supports just about every ARM chip out there and many different JTAG programmers. They have an unlimited Personal version available for $100. The IDE is really nice and the setup and use is very easy.
My own experience is with Stellaris and LPC1xxx chips. I originally used the Stellaris chips and may go back if they refresh the line a bit, but I'm using the LPC1xxx chips right now. Real nice and the peripherals are similar to the popular LPC2xxx chips. I use the Olimex ARM-USB-TINY which is and FTDI based programmer. $50 from Sparkfun. For the LPC1xxx chips I use an adapter from Rowley that allows SWD. Rowley isn't selling these publically yet. I paid the $150 for the Personal license of Crossworks and consider that it was totally worth it over the Elipse/GCC/OpenOCD combo.
I don't really document the projects I work on, but I've taken some pictures of some of the things I've played with: