This is the first time I'll be designing the power supply circuit for a project.
I can crunch all the numbers and determine the max that the supply should ever see, but wondering what may be the norm for designing in some fudge factor?
NOT running off a batt so no need to be super critical about low power usage and all that. Planning on doing a linear supply so as to keep the supplies that much cleaner to the circuit.
So toss me some numbers. What do you typically use? 10% over, 50%, 100%, more???
I'm just barely getting started on this side of the project so I haven't at all looked on what it would take to build margin in. Guessing it shouldn't be too bad though as the design is relatively low power by nature. In fact, the hardest part (for me) is simply the number of voltages needed. (analog and digital supplies @ 3.3v, a +5v, and a split rail +- 15v)