Around places I live I found over a few years:
Pioneer hi-fi separates system
solid state black and white tv, working but with plug cut off
1980s solid state colour tv, "working" but in terrible condition, not interested in restoring it
1990s sony trinitron, rescued it from being smashed by kids, needed lots of case repairs but working well
early Pentium HP Vectra computer
1968 Raleigh Sports, junk condition but provided tons of useful spare parts
various 1990s bikes
1970s Duel record player, just needed new belt
Commodore 1084 monitor
PS4, fully working just clogged hard with dust
Vestel made 50 inch HDTV, infamous backlight psu failure, left it there
various radios
my desk
four wooden chairs
scrap timber
I'm sure there is more I forgot. Like Calaverasgrande I just always have my eyes open, but I never go out with the intent to find stuff. I just don't ignore it if I happen across it.
One key difference is if I saw a CRT TV old enough to have Valves I wouldn't crack it open to get them, I'd take the entire TV. A vintage TV is incredibly difficult to find in the UK now, under any circumstances.