Electronics > Beginners

How to wire this...

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I bought this board and a power board that has the same hollow power pins, any ideas on the cables and connectors I should use?


The 3 hollow pins (+15V G -15V) are at the top right and about 1mm diameter and about 10mm apart, they protrude by about 3.5mm.

The PSU has the same hollow pins with AC G AC on one side and +15V G -15V and I bought a cheap AC240V to AC12V transformer with white and grey wires to power that.

I am going to put it in a case with an IEC plug going in to the transformer.



Be sure to fuse and earth.

Thanks Peter for the lightning fast response, the Jindel GET-1003 transformer is in a plastic case and only has 2 wires in and 2 wires out (for halogens usually) so earthing this whole setup would have to miss out the transformer, can you give me tips on how to wire it all?

The IEC socket would have an earth pin, so would I wire that to ground on the +/-15v supply and wire ground on the output side of it to ground on the curve tracer?

I can use a fused IEC socket so that gives me a fuse.

Also did you have a thought about the connectors that fit this hollow pin, I haven't seen it before, is it just meant to be soldered or does a 3-way screw terminal fit it?

I posted in the beginners section because I am pretty new to all of this.


Is the chassis of the case metal? I assume it is. When mounting the transformer to the chassis you should attach the earth to there with a spring washer and a nylock nut, earthing the chassis. Between the active of the IEC socket and the transformer put an inline fuse of the appropriate rating or use an IEC socket with a built in fuse holder.

Usually when I see them hollow pins I tin some wire put it in and solder it, then slide some heat shrink over it and shrink it. I don't know if this is right but it works. I'm not sure what the transformer board is, please include a picture, as usually I would just use a center tapped transformed for the ac-g-ac connection...


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