So I was curious if connecting a scope to those points XY mode could produce something […]
That picture is the HV drive card, that's not the right place.
Try looking at J4 and J5 on A1, I think those are the aux X+Y outputs at 0-1V DC, and J3 seems to be the Z to go with them.
The manual situation is somewhat messy for the 1345, because there are a number of different versions and options.
Some of the better copies of the doc is included in other instruments manuals, notably the 3577 which may have been the first time it was used.
On version had three 3-pin connectors where XYZ could be looped through external circuitry to multiplex analog signals, I think the 8981 may have used that model.
Ohh, and one more thing: If your problem is "badly out of focus" you should check if there is an external focus pot attached, or if there should have been. Check the jumper (it's in the manual)