The same can happen with low ESR capacitors. About 20 years ago I made a PFC with two 470µF capacitors in parallel and every time I unplugged the thing I could hear some whining. At first I thought the under voltage lockout isn't working. After some probing around, nothing could be seen. In the end I made horn from paper (you don't want to stick your years next to capacitors charged to 390V) to locate the sound. Somehow charge was being transferred between those two capacitors while the voltage was declining.
You can make almost any oscillate, of course; just add enough inductance. That's somewhat of a hazard with large lumped values -- in large packages, the links between them can have relatively high inductance.
Hm. Unless those were connected with long cables somehow, it wouldn't make sense for that case to be audible -- 235uF (capacitors act in series in their loop) resonates with say 1uH (~1m apart) at 10kHz. But with a control loop nearby, who knows, I guess? (But I'm guessing you probed that and found nothing suspicious? Or, you have truly magnificent hearing: 30kHz would be from a more reasonable 120nH, and it's not unheard of for some humans to hear this high. Or, even more speculative, there could be some sort of hetrodyning, against the switching frequency let's say, but... *shrug*?!)
About the ceramic caps in an LLC instead of film caps. I'm doing the same thing for a 600W supply. Perhaps of interest:
Oh man, that had some slide gore... slide 5 apparently says:
Ex. Use of X7R (Class II dielectric)
• Provides Cost Savings
• Not Ideal as Series Resonant Capacitor (lack of stability)
• High ESR causes significant efficiency loss in power transition
• Quality Factor is orders of magnitude higher than C0G dielectrics
Design optimization is the important element here, but can come at a price. Therefore,
MLCC suppliers must work closely with design engineers to verify compliance with end
application requirements and ensure proper safety margin is considered while
supporting improvement efforts.
That must be a typo, "orders of magnitude
lower" surely.
Also on pp.11-13, curious that they show a micrograph and diagram of CaZrO3, but not BaTiO3; I guess the dipole cartoon is supposed to imply domain wall movement or such, but, it doesn't really do that...
But overall, an informative and useful slide deck. Am curious what their rationale is for "modeling" ESR, and apparently doubting their instruments (at times?). That's not covered in the slides, but maybe there was some in the accompanying talk, or questions thereafter.
Film capacitors able to handle 250Vpp > 10nF are almost non existent. (app notes from several manufacturers contain capacitors which are not suitable. Yes, Infineon. TI seems to prefer capacitors with lousy data sheets, probably not a match for the application) With film caps you are forced to limit your choice to a bunch of 4.7...6.8nF 1000Vdc caps in parallel if you don't want to limit your choice to one or two suppliers. I then had the idea to look for C0G capacitors, thinking they would be very expensive. Surprise, not expensive at all and they can handle over 400Vpp up 500kHz with an ESR well below 20mOhm. Try to find a film cap able to outperform a 630V 22nF 1206 C0G capacitor. The best you will find will be at least 6x18mm in size.
...At frequency? I've definitely ran hundreds of volts on induction heaters, even with commercial capacitors. (Protip: don't use the super-compact X-type caps; they do work, surprisingly, but they get... warm...
Conversely, I've had an application where the "DC Link" type MKPs melted. That's some weird shit... the dielectric expands massively as it melts, carrying the electrodes with; at some point, the bottom seal (epoxy) cracks, contents squirt out, and....... they keep on operating? Sometimes? Despite the "elephant's foot" eviscerating onto the PCB, they can actually operate that way for some time... But eventually, enough stretch and shear occurs, electrode separation shrinks, self-healing fails, and it shorts out.
Anyway, trick is to look through high frequency and snubber types. It's tricky, because a lot of snubbers are shit for HF losses. CDE 935C for example, probably by way of the schoopage being whole-face (thus shielding the center by skin effect), and the generally thick build, they're good for hardly any Irms at 100kHz. All peak, no average. Lots of sifting through datasheets or characteristics to find V(F) or I(F) ratings (or ESR(F) and Pd ratings).
I've been impressed by, let's see, *digs through parts bin*...
Hmm B32632 (EPCOS/TDK) is now obsolete, huh...
Or what is this one, either B32672 or B32642? Still in production, nice.
There was... B32262 maybe?? I'm sure I'm misremembering, but some 630VDC (250VAC) 0.1uF 15mm (LS) cap I used for my first big induction heating tank capacitor ever. Rated I think 2.3A/ea at 100kHz or so? Maybe they're still around (under the correct series).
Illinois Capacitor PPBs are nice, though on the expensive side, and if you need to obey ratings, the RMS is surprisingly not all that high. They take abuse, at least in my limited experience; do with that what you will.
KEMET (nee Aerovox) R46, R73, etc. have some nice offerings. Some low ESR and high density X caps, as well as pulse and resonant stuff.
I think 715P ("Orange Drop", CDE, nee Sprague) would be quite excellent if they just didn't make them with
steel leads. Dielectric losses are low and metallization seems adequate otherwise. Expensive, probably because they're in the audio and repair boutique.
Panasonic have a number of nice dipped PP families too, though it's kind of a pain sifting through their website to find all the data.