Electronics > Beginners

Is it impossible replace bi-polar capacitor with film capacitor?

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Thank very much for reply.
In fact,I have desoldered  top-cap which clips to the CRT cut off the end of the thickest wire and slip 2 layers of adhesive-lined heatshrink over the wire,(one layer is adhesive heatshrink and the other is not adhesive heatshrink),shrink it with lighter then resoldered top-cap like below pictures.


and I also use gluegun in order to melt and apply sticks of adhesive to the area of arcing.
Although It was impossible to make a completely zero leakage from the thickest wire of FBT like below video, when I recorded it by bring android phone closer to the area of arcing,But It is not as loud as before,It is rather quite little noise,and there is no dim light in darkness at all.

I tested this CRT TV over 2 hours,But There was no abnormality in displaying.
As currently It is impossible to purchase 154-179m or HR 8251 FBT from my place, So I think that very small leakage from the thickest wire of FBT would not breaking out fire or explosion for a fairly long time

The corona discharge or sparks make ozone, not good for health, and over time degrades the plastics, specially in the holes/pores where the discharge occurs.

It seems that FBT leaks more and more arcing as time passed...
It definately impossible to fix arcing with gluegun...
I plan to purchase 154-179m FBT from below site but I doubt that whether quality of their product is really reliable or not...


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