Electronics > Beginners

Is it impossible replace bi-polar capacitor with film capacitor?

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I repaired 29 inch CRT TV,BUT...I noticed that There is always overlapping white gradient letter like below link.

I found that a bi-polar capacitor(C433 SAMWHA NF series 5.6uf 50v), which is next to Q408 KTD2059-Y transistor and close to AN5521 IC in the attached schematic(lg_chassis_mc-7ca_sch pdf file),actually has large capacitance(10uf).


I think that this problem(overlapping white gradient letter) has something to do with out of capacitance tolerence of this bi-polar capacitor.So I want to replace this NF series capacitor.
But it is impossible to find bi-polar capacitor which has 5.6uf specification.

Luckily,I found that I can purchase ECW-F2565JA from where I live.

By the way,Is it impossible replace bi-polar capacitor with film capacitor?

Normally, a bi-polar electrolytic can be replaced by a film capacitor (PE or PP).
The original part was probably chosen since it had a lower price and possibly smaller size than an appropriate film capacitor.

Both! The film cap is larger and more expensive. An alternative would be to use a 2.2 µF and a 3.3 µF bi-polar cap in parallel.

I do not see the gradient, but it seems that the capacitor is in the horizontal deflection circuit, not in the video path. Here normally you could expect some distortion or fails in high voltage.

Normally to substitute a bipolar electrolytic with other type, the problem is the size. The advantage of electrolytics is the size.

Thank very much for all of reply.
If you enlarge below image There is overlapping gradient on the background(PRODUCED BY OR UNDER LICENSE FROM SEGA ENTERPRISES) it is somwhat like JPEG Compression Artifacts.

By the way, I looked through samwha-catalogue and I found that NF series was exclusively Designed for horizontal deflection current correction in TV,high frequency anf high ripple current(135 page)

Is it really Okay to replace bi-polar capacitor ,which was exclusively Designed for horizontal deflection current correction, with general film capacitor?


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