Electronics > Beginners
Is there a human readable USB PD 3.0 specs somewhere, or PD 3.0 trigger chip?
I found this document: https://e2e.ti.com/cfs-file/__key/communityserver-discussions-components-files/138/USB_5F00_PD_5F00_R3_5F00_0-V1.1-20170112.pdf
But it is very large and contains huge amount of "noise" data.
All I want is something like that:
To receive, say, 12.5 volts from USB PD 3.0 charger, you need to send the following packet(s) of data via this pin at that level.
Any ideas?
I want to have my own USB PD 3.0 trigger, with adjustable voltage and I don't need LCD screens and extra bells and whistles of USB power meters.
For USB PD 2.0 There's an excellent chip by Injoinic - IP2721. It has one set pin, and whenever you leave it float, pull high or pull down, output voltage changes to 5, 12 or 20 volts. But this is PD 2.0 I'd like to have something like that, with PD 3.0 suppoty.
According to the data sheet it has PD3.0 support. https://www.lcsc.com/datasheet/lcsc_datasheet_2006111335_INJOINIC-IP2721_C603176.pdf
There are plenty of simple USB trigger boards available. You can either get one for each voltage, or one with switches.
IP2721 supports PD 3.0, but it still triggers only fixed available voltages, like 5-12-20 volts, it does not allow for fine voltage setting.
Same for aliexpress boards, they also only switch in PD 2.0 range.
Have you already found the CH32X035?
I have a few of those at home, but had no time to play with them so far.
There are some projects on github (incl. source code) how to use the CH32X035 for PD PPS, e.g., https://github.com/wagiminator/CH32X035-USB-PD-Adapter
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