Electronics > Beginners

Jellybean, Modern, Small, JFET, Complementary Pair Recommendations?

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Jellybean, Modern, Small, JFET, Complementary Pair Recommendations?

I did search the Web and Mouser. However, I decided I needed recommendations. I am wanting discrete individual packages. And, in a modern design. These are for learning and general stock.

Recommendations for part numbers?

Thank you for your help.

I have never seen any JFET complementary pair in a databook.  Are you sure they exist?  What would be the purpose?

^ This.

Modern design? I think the jellybean discrete jfet is about dead, MPF102 ain't coming back. I think most of the SMD parts are just the same old designs in a newer package.

Any JFET still in production and under $5 for a strip of 10 probably qualifies as useful for learning and general stock. IIRC that list is pretty short.

There are still quite a lot of JFETs in SOT23 case available, though many of them are very similar parts (e.g. different manufacturer and testing levels).

P-jfets are more an exotic thing with not many more to choose. Hardly and need for a complementary part - if at all for special switching, but here CMOS chips have largely taken over.

Dual n JFETs may still be a thing for an amplfier. Here the SK2145 is a classic, though relatively small to solder for a beginner. At least it is cheap and usually easy to get.


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