LooseJunkHater, "NE555 to somehow create the 3 phases? Or essentially create 2x "delayed" phases? I couldn't find any information on this but I'm probably not using the right keywords. "
I'd suggest you might do well with one 555 generating a constant waveform of the right frequency and duty cycle (50% here) using astable mode, then use two more 555's (one for each delayed phase) with preceding edge trigger RC circuits* to respond to the falling edge of the first 555's waveform. Each delayed output from that pair of 555's then triggers another 555 (so 5 555's in total) and these last pair of 555's each generate a single pulse of the same length as the positive part of the waveform from the astable. You might need to insert some logical inverters in this logic chain too, either using a logic inverter IC or using the single transistor logic inverter method. If necessary the monstable generated pulses could perhaps be a cycle or two "behind" (so long as you didn't vary the frequency so quickly that having the other two phases generated on the next waveform to the initial one would mess up timings severely), that is to say one following the initial by 360+120 degrees phase shift and the other following by 360+240, or you could use an inverter between the initial 555's output and the first pairs inputs to make the falling edge in to a rising. This 5 x 555 solution is almost definitely not the most chip-count-efficient way to do this, and if you want to change the frequency you'll need to vary multiple resistors at once (can be done with a group of MCP42100 digital potentiometers), and it will be limited to the max frequency you can achieve, and it will give square wave outputs not sine waves (though a low pass filter following each phade may make it more sine like, again the resistors on these would need to vary for changing the freq), but I'm pretty sure the principle would work. I've done similar things in the past to create pulses delayed behind constant waveforms.
*necessary whenever you want a 555 in monostable mode to ouput a pulse which lasts less time than it takes the waveform who's falling edge triggered it to return to high