Electronics > Beginners
[Solved] LM358 pin2 connect
hey all
I have a wemos connected to a MCP4725 dac and it works, but the the 5V output from the dac is not enough I need 10V so a asked for help and was told to get a LM358 upamp to boost the output of the dac, but I canĀ“t figure it out how to connect it I use a 12V PSU to the LM358 it will give me 12V output but I just going to make a hard limit in my code in the wemos so it max out at 10V
its for an old light fixture that use a 1-10VDC for dimmer
bonus question where do I put the nagative wire from my light fixture on my circuit?
pin 1: +0-10V output
pin 2: ???? what to do about it
pin 3: output from the DAC
pin 4: -12V from PSU
pin 5-7: not connected
pin 8: +12 PSU
To go from 5V to 10V you need 2x gain, so you feed back 1/2 of output voltage (pin 1) to IN-.
In short, two equal resistors in series from OUT to GND and IN- connected in the middle.
Look up how to set up an opamp in "noninverting" configuration if you want to know how it works.
You may get away with pin 4 at GND and without a -12V supply. The device you are controlling goes between GND and OUT.
But wait, a light fixture dimmer? Mains powered? Are you sure that the 10V control input isn't sitting at some dangerous voltage?
Yes there is a dimmer in my light fixture
I made a circuit diagram
I tried to google noninverting and got nowhere I feel like a caveman in a digital age I need HELP
Kim Christensen:
Here's a caveman edit with some arbitrary resistor values. Not sure what the common is on the dimmer input, but I connected the common from the Op-Amp circuit to what I assume it is. ( Marked with ?? )
Make sure you heed magic's warning that "Dimmer-0-10V" might be connected to mains voltage. It must be isolated from "mains power L1" and "mains power N"...
thanks Kim
gonna try it, after i got some ZZZ its 2.24 here so should be sleeping already but work got in the way :)
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