Electronics > Beginners
LM78L 05 ACZ
Guys how can I test this correctly? I put in a cheap Chinese transistor tester and it shows the following as seen in picture.
Kim Christensen:
Those testers can't check a LM78L05... Because it's not a transistor, FET, diode, capacitor, resistor, etc.
They don't check IC voltage regulators, which is what a LM78L05 is.
OK thanks I figured it wasn’t testing it correctly. I tested voltages in circuit and it’s working properly after I found a 100uf cap that tested 17uf.
The easiest way to check these voltage regulator ICs is to use a multimeter and a DC power supply. Give the appropriate input voltage according to the datasheet. And see if you are getting the desired output voltage in the output pin.
--- Quote from: Crambone on June 03, 2023, 02:08:36 am ---OK thanks I figured it wasn’t testing it correctly. I tested voltages in circuit and it’s working properly after I found a 100uf cap that tested 17uf.
--- End quote ---
What made you think the tester wasn't working? It's a transistor tester, yet the L78L05 is a voltage regulator, an integrated circuit, not a transistor. The only way to test it is to build a circuit with it.
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