Incredible work reverse engineering this!
I stumbled on your work today while looking for a solution to an efficiency problem...
I recently installed an ERV in my crawlspace to reduce some numbers that were much too high. Thankfully, it appears to be working! Now I would like to make it efficient, only moving air when radon levels are high.
I would like to be able to pull data from my Airthings Corentium, run the output through an ESP32 to trigger the ERV to reduce power or stop altogether, depending on the Airthings readings.
Other solutions:
Until I found your solution, the only other answer I could find was the $750 Radonova Robin (standalone Radon detector) whose output signal -- no screen, just a 1-10v output depending on Radon reading -- that can be translated to a motor control.
I would really like to try to build what you have made, but I could use a wiring diagram for your breadboard. Would you be willing to draw one up and share it -- even if its on the back of a napkin!