Author Topic: multimeter suggestions (bigger budget this time around)  (Read 15885 times)

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Re: multimeter suggestions (bigger budget this time around)
« Reply #25 on: July 05, 2010, 12:09:28 pm »
Congratulations.  Can you review it for us here, and take pictures?

Just picked up the Agilent U1242B this weekend. About time I had a decent meter for my hobby. I did notice however that when in AC volts mode that the autoranging takes a few second to settle on the reading. I tried on the 120VAC in my house, it showed 150V before settling down to 122.5V after a few seconds wait. There was no problem when using manual ranging. DC mode worked instantly. Dave's review of the U1253A seemed to show this effect too (he seemed to write this off in his review because he was just trying to blow up the meter in ohms range).

Best Wishes,


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Re: multimeter suggestions (bigger budget this time around)
« Reply #26 on: July 08, 2010, 05:38:36 pm »
Sanwa PC5000a costs less than 200$ with shipping in my country (Poland) compared to Fluke 87 V for about 600$ (from polish distributors). Sanwa is very good quality and high spec but for much much less than Fluke. I see that it's more expensive in your country. But still maybe you can get it from other source for less. It may be a good deal for people from Europe and Asia, here Sanwa meters are not so expensive.

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