They all seem to have reasonable specs---obviously they aren't Tektronix,so they don't have the metal pin,& you will have to work out the x10 scale division in your head when in that mode.
Don't try testing the 600volt rating in x10 position by hanging them across the AC mains,like some people have!
Ideally,you would be best to get a x1 probe AND a x10 one,as the switch is a weak point in most switchable probes.
All the gurus say,"Don't use a x1 probe",& I agree in most cases,but sometimes with very low level signals,they disappear into the noise with a x10 probe.
Many workshops chuck those probes that have broken bits into a box somewhere,with the intention of making one or several good ones out of them,but they usually never get around to it,& the box is disposed of.
If you are lucky,you may find one of these boxes with other junk at a Hamfest or similar occasion.
HP, Philips,Siemens,or BWD probes may turn up on EBay from time to time,too.