Electronics > Beginners

Oscilloscope training class (long)

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I helped teach a class on the basics of oscilloscopes to the New Jersey Antique Radio Club. This club is dedicated to the restoration and preservation of antique radios - mainly from the golden age of broadcasting. The class was geared entirely around analog scopes, since that's the type of scope that these guys would most likely come across or have access to for their radio restoration projects. We affectionately called the class "Scopes for Dopes", and it was a great success.

Fortunately, the session was videotaped. We had two projectors going - one with presentation slides, and one with a video camera feed that was focused on a few scopes on a table for demonstration.

To make it easier to navigate this long video - over 2 hours long, here is a list of time-stamps and the topics that begin at those timestamps. Using this "table of contents", you can easily move the youtube player location to the topic of interest.

0:00:00 Opening and Agenda
0:02:50 Brief History of Oscilloscopes – with Al Klase
0:15:00 Start of Basics of Oscilloscopes – with Alan Wolke
0:19:00 Basic Block Diagram of an Oscilloscope
0:19:50 Oscilloscope / Display Overview
0:23:00 Display Section Functions and Controls
0:28:10 Vertical Section Description
0:33:17 Vertical Scale / Coupling Controls, Input Impedance
0:38:04 Vertical Mode Controls
0:48:05 In-circuit Example of using two traces on the oscilloscope
0:52:41 Horizontal Section Description
0:53:48 Horizontal Sweep Types & Controls
1:10:15 Triggering (Synchronization) Section Description
1:13:19 Trigger Source, Mode and Coupling Controls
1:19:56 Trigger Level and Slope Controls
1:23:29 Introduction to Oscilloscope Probes
1:31:45 1X and 10X Passive Probes
1:34:00 10X Probe Compensation and Use Considerations
1:48:48 XY Mode of Operation
2:00:12 Front Panel Control Layout
2:02:20 Pop Quiz!
2:03:00 Wrap Up: Oscilloscope adds Intuitive Feel to circuit operation
2:04:45 Questions and Answers
2:13:35 Brief History of Oscilloscope Tubes

Also, if you are interested, I have a couple of other oscilloscope videos on my YouTube channel:
...including a tutorial on 1X and 10X probes...

Unfortunately,I don't have the time to watch all of this right now,--But it is excellent!!

I highly recommend that those of you who are unfamiliar with Oscilloscopes & in fact,anyone, watch this.
It's not just a quick demonstration of somebody's bench 'scope,but a full on tutorial which you would pay real money to attend if it was held in your home town!

Just watching the first section I learned a lot of stuff I was a bit vague on about the history of these wondrous devices!


Wonderful tutorial job, including indexing if you want to speed through.


I have just watched the whole 2:20 long movie.
This is really good stuff.
For me the most interresting was the part about 10x attenuating probes
and the probes compensation.



--- Quote from: pklawit on June 15, 2011, 07:07:03 pm ---Hi,

I have just watched the whole 2:20 long movie.
This is really good stuff.
For me the most interresting was the part about 10x attenuating probes
and the probes compensation.


--- End quote ---

I actually made a separate video, just on the 1X and 10X probes.  This video is here:


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