Wow - impressive photos! You'll have to tell me how you get such nice photos of analog scope screens like that! No reflections of the camera, etc. Nice. Are you using some sort of a hood like the old polaroid style scope cameras?
Now, go grab some coax and let's see what those TDR reflections look like!
I will post my results on this poor man TDR once I did it, its just I don't have any long coax with me right now, most are only 1 to 2 meters max.
About those scope screen photos, thanks, actually its quite easy and no fancy hood at all.

I was using an entry level dslr with just stock lense, the secret is I used a camera remote that made it so easy to shoot in the dark, hence no reflections at all.

Also the handy part of using remote is, once the scope is ready with the camera placed and set properly like the focus & framing and etc, then all I need is just switch off my bench table light for few seconds while I pushed the remote in my other hand, and then turned the light on again.
About the reflection, usually I turned off any background light when I'm going to shoot scope's screen, and with only my bench table light which was the only light source in the room.
Actually even using a P&S camera is possible too, as long it has a self timer, but using remote is far more convenient, no need to rush in the dark accidentally bumping or knocking out things around.

Now, the other part is altering the photos, for scope's screen shot, I altered it using program to make it better since this is just a scope's screen. And the procedures that I used are not complicated and pretty fast I'd say.
Example of the original photo straight from the camera, only cropping and resizing applied, nothing else.
Using the popular freeware PAINT.NET, you can get it here ->
HERE or other graphic editor like Photoshop if you have it, adjust the brightness level & contrast using the simple level menu.
This is the default setting when we opened this Levels Adjusment sub menu.
Just a few adjustments on the those levers, after few trials, you will get used it easily.
The result with just those few drags, no fuss nor complicated tasks, then save it, that's it.

Hope this helps.