Author Topic: PLCC Extractors  (Read 4320 times)

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Offline requimTopic starter

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PLCC Extractors
« on: December 06, 2011, 01:30:36 am »
Is there a qualitative difference between the < $2.00 Chinese PLCC Extractors and the > $20.00 PLCC Extractors?  I've seen them over a large range of prices and can't tell the difference.  I imagine if I could handle them I might be able to tell.  Anyway, I'm in the market for one and would rather buy one a high quality long lasting one rather than a throwaway model.  If I can do so for $2.00 rather than $22.00 then that's what I'll do.

Any suggestions?  I can't find any ratings/reviews for them.  Here are a couple of examples of the two extremes.

Sub $2.00 Variety:

Bentley quality:

Offline Psi

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Re: PLCC Extractors
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2011, 02:34:20 am »
Most of the time the china "copy" is exactly the same except with cheaper plastics/metals.

So they work fine, they just don't last as long.

Often the copies do last long enough to be worth getting though.
In this case, i doubt the $20 one will last 10 times longer than the $2 one. Simply because most of the price difference is markup rather than material.

Having said that, it's very easy to see and feel good quality over crap quality and it's always nice to have nice tools :)
« Last Edit: December 06, 2011, 02:39:09 am by Psi »
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Offline requimTopic starter

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Re: PLCC Extractors
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2011, 04:12:21 am »
Problem solved.  I'll put the nice set on my Christmas wish list and if Santa gets it for me, great, if not, I'll decide then which pair I'll buy.  Knowing me I'll buy the nicer set because I'd rather have quality tools even though realistically I probably won't get enough usage out of it to make a difference.

Offline mobbarley

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Re: PLCC Extractors
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2011, 04:25:06 am »
From the pictures (not that that is a great guide) the only difference is the printing and the spring. I really think you will end up with almost exactly the same product. Go with the $2 ones and look for an upgrade if they break. If you are pulling PLCCs all day i'd still say get the cheap ones, check they work well, then order another 5.

Offline requimTopic starter

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Re: PLCC Extractors
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2011, 05:16:38 am »
I've decided I'll take one for the team.  I went ahead and ordered three different extractors from a few different Hong Kong eBay vendors.  I'll post my results back here once I've received them and had a chance to use / test them.  If I get the expensive set for christmas I'll include it into the mix.  All in all I spent less than $12 so it's not a big investment.

Offline Psi

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Re: PLCC Extractors
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2011, 05:31:50 am »
Sometimes they are exactly the same in all regards.
The factory in china making them for <brand name x> makes extra on the side and sell them for a more realistic price considering what they cost to make.
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Offline requimTopic starter

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Re: PLCC Extractors
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2011, 06:14:31 am »
I think I run a good risk of having two of them be identical and the third being a close relative of the other two.  The two primary differentiating factors I could make out from the photos were the color and whether it had a spring wrapped around the metal arms.  I picked out two that had the arms and one that didn't.  The $20+ variety is of the same design as the two with the spring wrapped arms so I imagine they're probably direct knockoffs of that unit whereas the 1.69 variety without the spring wrapped arms cut corners to attain a lower price point.

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Re: PLCC Extractors
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2011, 07:26:40 am »
I have buy one of the cheap ones, so to extract the Bios Chips from the motherboards.
I did extract about 10 square Bios Chips, but then it did break apart, speaking about the front hook.

I believe that is all about the quality of the metal, and in this subject the Japanese are the experts.
If you get the cheapest one, buy two or three. 

Offline metalphreak

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Re: PLCC Extractors
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2011, 09:29:11 am »
Many times the more expensive ones are simply rebranded versions of the chinese ones, except with a huge markup. If you are going to be paying a higher price, you might as well pay for the good quality japanese/USA made tools :)

I've got a pair of Engineer (japanese brand) PA-09 micro terminal crimpers that cost me ~$70 but they are so much better quality than the cheap rubbish on ebay ;)

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Re: PLCC Extractors
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2011, 12:48:48 pm »
Im using a ebay special 1.99 $ with shipping for few years now without any problems
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