Electronics > Beginners

Possible pin damage during ESD?


       Hello, I am designing a microcontroller circuit and on the ADC pins I coud get about 9 volts during a ESD discharge. The max. votage for the pin is VCC(5V)+0.3V according to the datasheet. The signal comes from a voltage devider through a 100k resistor with a max. current of 0.6 miliamperes. The pin also has a parasitic diode to VCC and GND.

       Do you belive it could damage the pin/create SCR-latchup?

if it has a parasitic diode, why would you expect 9V? it should be clipped by the diodes,

if you are concerned, use some schottkeys to clamp it externally to the rails, but at 600uA the parasitics should be more than capable,


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