I'm going to repeat what Kaspar wrote about there being two general types of digitally addressable LEDs. One kind has just a single shared data pin (Adafruit calls them NeoPixels.) The other kind uses two pins on the microcontroller: data and clock. Adafruit calls these DotStars. The difference is described well on the Adafruit web pages.
Obviously, the ones without the clock line use one fewer GPIO pins, but behind the scenes they are quite a bit more difficult to use. You can write your own routines to make them work if you enjoy that sort of thing, but most people use the Adafruit libraries, even with LEDs that they sourced somewhere else. It all works fine if you're using a microcontroller with plenty of flash, ram, and cpu cycles. I don't know for sure, but it seems likely that one of your counter/timers will need to be dedicated to the job. The library makes it simple and trouble free if the resources are available.
The ones with the clock line require a second GPIO pin, but it's not hard to write your own code to bit bang the data. That may or may not be an advantage depending on the hardware you're using. A counter/timer is still used, but it can usually be shared with other timing code like like delay() and micros().