Author Topic: Regarding JK flip flops.  (Read 6191 times)

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Offline mindentropyTopic starter

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Regarding JK flip flops.
« on: December 18, 2011, 09:17:59 pm »

I am trying to understand and analyze JK flip flop's (using RS flop flop i.e. using NOR gates). I have written out the characteristic table and when I give Q = 1, J=1 and K = 0 I am trying to analyze the Q' (Q complement) by giving the intial state to 0. I find that Q settles to 1 (i.e. Q(t+1)) but Q' oscillates between 0 and 1. How is this fixed? Is the Q' needed in JK flip flops? Also why do textbooks don't talk about Q' in JK or D or T but only Q and Q(t+1) ?


Offline IanB

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Re: Regarding JK flip flops.
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2011, 10:28:59 pm »
The output Q' is the complement of Q, which means it is always the opposite of whatever Q is. In other words, Q' = NOT Q. As such, Q' does not take part in the operation of the flip flop, it is simply determined after the operation is complete by inverting whatever value Q ends up with.

If you want to think of it in terms of logic, pretend the flip flop doesn't have a Q' output at all, just the normal Q output. Now put a NOT gate after the Q output. The output of the NOT gate will be Q'.

Offline amspire

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Re: Regarding JK flip flops.
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2011, 10:36:11 pm »
I am a bit puzzled about your question.

For a start the Q compliment output is always just the inverse of Q. It is not possible to get both the outputs high or low at the same time when the flip-flop is stable. So if you know Q(T+1), you know the state of the Q'(T+1).

The whole purpose of the JK flip flop is that there are no undefined states. The (T+1) state will always be known from the (T) state for any combination of J and K inputs, and the Q' output is always the compliment of the Q output.

Are you using the correct clocked SR flip flops circuits to build the JK flip flops (ie you need a minimum of 4 gates to build the SR flip flop)?


Offline Tony R

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Re: Regarding JK flip flops.
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2011, 03:01:59 am »
The truth table for a JK is the following
J  K Q
0 0 Q No Change
0 1 0  Reset
1 0 1  Set
1 1 Q' Invert

In all honesty i try to shy away from using JK Flip Flops in design, the logic to control them gets more complicated, However you can take any flip flip and change it to any other ones.

As for what is going on with your example it should not be oscilating, However in labs i have spent 2 hours trying to figure out why i was getting a odd oscillation (at the clock frequency) which was cased by the ground never being connected (duh!) check to make sure of that.

The Q' comes in handy if you have to feed it back into the input, no need for an inverter. So is it needed? not really... but the point is it should work, so that means something could be wrong with your chip or your circuit which could prove to be problematic in the future.
Tony R.
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Offline mindentropyTopic starter

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Re: Regarding JK flip flops.
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2011, 10:53:05 am »

For a start the Q compliment output is always just the inverse of Q. It is not possible to get both the outputs high or low at the same time when the flip-flop is stable. So if you know Q(T+1), you know the state of the Q'(T+1).


How do you ensure flip flop stability before using i.e. how long should you wait?

Offline amspire

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Re: Regarding JK flip flops.
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2011, 11:28:21 am »

For a start the Q compliment output is always just the inverse of Q. It is not possible to get both the outputs high or low at the same time when the flip-flop is stable. So if you know Q(T+1), you know the state of the Q'(T+1).


How do you ensure flip flop stability before using i.e. how long should you wait?

When you power up, it could end up in either state, so to do anything useful, you always have to set it to an initial state.  So, for example, if you have a counter, you might set all the flip flops to "0" initially. Then on every clock pulse, it counts up.  If you look at any clocked flip-flop specifications, there is "propogation delay time" which is the amount of time from the specified clocking edge till the outputs are stable.  This propogation delay time is the maximum you ever have to wait before you use the output state.

In the original 7473 JK flip flop, it was about 40nS. In the modern higher speed versions it will be in the low nS range. ECL JK flip flop are often around 500pS propogation delay.


Offline EEVblog

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Re: Regarding JK flip flops.
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2011, 11:39:30 am »
As an aside, don't forget nasty stuff like slow slew rate input clock signals and set up and hold times.
Meta-stability can ruin your day.


Offline deephaven

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Re: Regarding JK flip flops.
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2011, 12:07:58 pm »
As an aside, don't forget nasty stuff like slow slew rate input clock signals and set up and hold times.
Meta-stability can ruin your day.


I think you could do a whole blog on Meta-stability Dave  ::)

Offline amspire

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Re: Regarding JK flip flops.
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2011, 12:43:01 pm »
As an aside, don't forget nasty stuff like slow slew rate input clock signals and set up and hold times.
Meta-stability can ruin your day.


I think you could do a whole blog on Meta-stability Dave  ::)

And ruin everyone's day?

Offline McMonster

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Re: Regarding JK flip flops.
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2011, 02:00:33 pm »
As an aside, don't forget nasty stuff like slow slew rate input clock signals and set up and hold times.
Meta-stability can ruin your day.


I think you could do a whole blog on Meta-stability Dave  ::)

Or a blog about hazard and race conditions in digital circuits. It's much simpler and would take less time to explain the basics.

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