How are you connecting the -RST and -AEN1, -AEN2, RDY1, and RDY2 inputs to the 8284?
If they are unconnected, the processor could be held in reset or be waiting
eternally for a bus cycle to complete.
Look at the RESET and READY pins on the processor. RESET show be low and READY should be
-RST is tied to an RC circuit with a diode set up such that -RST is held low for ~47ms. This comes directly from the Grossblatt book.
-AEN1 and -AEN2 are tied to GND. RDY1 and RDY2 were left unconnected. This also is from the circuit in the Grossblatt book. After looking at it more, it does seem odd that those are left unconnected. I tied both high through pull up resistors and pulled -ASYNC high as well. The problem remained though READY is now high.
You could also put a scope on the processor's clock input and make sure it looks
OK. The old processors were pretty particular about voltage levels, i..e.
they weren't TTL compatible. Hence the need for the clock generator chip.
Looking closer at the clock, it does seem like it is out of spec but I'm not sure why. Attached is a capture from the scope on CLK. Vtop (4.26V) > Vch of the 8088 (3.9V). Vbas (856mV) seems too high for Vcl (0.6V). I'm not sure what controls the bias on the clock voltage though to bring it down.
I've followed the circuit from the book and have done a few experiments (removing the cap in series with the xtal, tying RDY1 & 2 high, etc...) without much luck. The one place where I haven't followed the circuit was the substituting out two 510ohm resistors tying the xtal pins to ground. I've tried 470 and 560 ohm varieties as I don't have 510's on hand.
Another note/oddity... I'm using a source voltage of 4.7v from a bench supply. If I try to bump that up to 4.9 the 8284 seems to 'shutdown' in that the outputs go to noise. Not sure what that's all about either.
The datasheet for the mbl 8088-2: datasheet for the p8284a: whole exercise is to try and understand more about circuit building itself so any thoughts or debugging help would be appreciated.
[Updated] Added attachment with DaveCAD schematic.