if you are talking about one single wire logic only, have you seen my thread? (i posted a PC App to do the Logic Analyzing there and the process/command discussion on how to develop such App). Since 1052e is 1GS/s at some certain appropriate time/div setting, my theoritical logic speed it can achieve is 1G/5 = 200Mbps. 5 is my own choosing factor which mean each bit will be stored as 5 points/samples. if i really desperate for bps speed, i can try capturing at 3 or even 2 points only per bit (500Mbps) but will be less reliable and more difficult to get the correct bit value esp for many 0s or 1s in series. but so far i dont have any system near those speed to do the reliability test. or can anyone suggest? SATA, IDE or those PC high speed bus? i dont have a better skill at testing it, i dont want to blow things up. as for higher Hz, the scope will still be able to show that, except attenuated. 1052 still can be modded to 1102... so far.