I have been using a service run by Dorkbox PDX in portland Oregon, run by Laen, he has a simple way of doing it, for shipments in the US shipping is free/included, outsiide he charges a mininal fee, check the site as i don't recall. But as of right now(1/17/2011) the price is $5 per sq. inch for 3 copies so $1.66 per copy per sq. inch(but you have to get 3 copies). It works sorta like batch PCB in that he collects a lot of orders and sends out a panel, difference is, he uses a US board house(i belive chicago area if i recall) and no setup or shipping fees. You can send him the gerbers or eagle files(then he makes the gerbers for you) the turn around time is 9 days from when the panel goes out(plus shipping time, so a little less than 2 weeks total) so a bit faster than batch PCB.
I know he trieds to do a panel at least once a month or so(latley they have been like 2-3 times a month) He also has tried to do 4 layers ocascionally(less often) and that is $10 a sq. inch.
the minums are pretty good:
6 mil trace width
6 mil spacing
15 mil clearances from traces to the edge of the board
13 mil minimum drill size.
7 mil minimum annular ring
He tab routes the panels so there are a small burr where the panel was broke apart, nothing a quick file won't take care of, but the rest of the edge is routed, so smooth. He also is very friendly and willing to work with people on their designs, look over them ect. hes caught quite a few of my silly mistakes before the panel goes out.
The website is
pcb.laen.org The next panel goes the 24th of this month.
Also, he has now seteled on a nice purple color for the panels, he does reserve the right to change it though. And I Beilve the default finish is HASL lead free, he does offer the ability for people who want/need ENIG to pay/split the upgrade price, and i've noticed all the boards i've ordered so far have been ENIG, but no guarantees. I've attached a scan of the front side of one of my latest boards(a ardunio(328) based servo controller, there is one goof up on the silkscreen, my fault cause i used proportional not Vector for the "font'.)
***Disclaimer***: I am in no way shape or form affilated with
pcb.laen.org other than a satisfied customer, I have not been paid or compensated for this write up/review. Prices and speciffications are subject to change, please visise
pcb.laen.org for the most up-to-date information.
[/End Disclaimer]