Author Topic: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist  (Read 49385 times)

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Offline allanw

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #25 on: October 21, 2010, 12:48:01 am »
Got my boards too. Total of 17 day turnaround time which isn't too bad. It's a functional clone of:

Except mine only costs $15, not $50.

Offline joelby

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #26 on: October 21, 2010, 01:07:03 am »
Except mine only costs $15, not $50.

Good one! Sparkfun really are quite expensive. Consider their Spartan 3E breakout board. It costs $79 and consists of one $24 chip and 32 capacitors, and the PCB is two layer and fairly small. Not to mention that it doesn't include pads for program flash memory or an oscillator, which you're more or less screwed without anyway.

Offline sonicj

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #27 on: October 21, 2010, 06:48:23 pm »
I got the boards from Itead this morning and they turned out pretty dam well. Some of the holes and pads are off by a little bit but not nearly enough to cause any problems. I got 11 (6 untested) 10x6cm boards for $28 + $3 shipping which is by far the best price I have ever seen. I think I'm going to start using Itead for all my future hobby projects instead of BatchPCB.

So in summary, thumbs up for Itead.  :)
sweet! pics?

Got my boards too. Total of 17 day turnaround time which isn't too bad. It's a functional clone of:

Except mine only costs $15, not $50.
that board looks great imo! is this going to be a flashlight?

Offline DavidDLC

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #28 on: October 26, 2010, 03:00:10 am »
I want to order from IteadStudio, I use Eagle.

What is the equivalent file of NC drill pcbname.txt ?

I have the generated files:


Is that a matter of just rename the file ?

Please send me your comments.


Offline TopherTheME

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #29 on: October 26, 2010, 03:06:39 am »
I believe eagle generates a drill file that is a .txt file.

Look here for more info:
Don't blame me. I'm the mechanical engineer.

Offline House91320

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #30 on: November 22, 2010, 06:45:13 am »
Batch pcb if you can wait 2 weeks.

Offline DavidDLC

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #31 on: November 22, 2010, 06:49:04 am »
I just received my first order from IteadStudio, I'm really happy with the pcbs and specially with the price. $16.00 dlls for 10 pcbs maximum size 5 by 5 cm and shipment included.

I will continue using them, I just ordered other 2 designs.

Offline metalphreak

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #32 on: November 23, 2010, 07:02:00 pm »

Both times I've used gold phoenix I've had my boards arrive in under 10 days. Quality of the boards is perfect although I only did 2 layer boards.

Always received more boards than what they quote as well. My last order was for boards less than 1x1" so I should have only received 100. Ended up with 3 v-scored panels of 50 each. They also appeared to have done a visual/electrical inspection because 2 boards were marked with an X.

If you have a few designs to be made, the extra fees for multiple designs isn't too bad and the overall price is pretty good. If your board has a common use you can always sell them or split the costs with others who want the same thing.

Also, I'm certain I read somewhere that Gold Phoenix are the ones who do all the fabrication for BatchPCB.

One of the panels:

"If all designs on the panel are square and the same size, V score can be applied to the panel and number of project is 20."
$30 extra, design all your prototype boards to be the same size if you can, and its pretty cheap.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2010, 07:10:25 pm by metalphreak »

Offline osmosis321

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #33 on: December 16, 2010, 08:29:59 am »
I'm not even sure to search the right thing, I'm a bit lost. Does any of you have any advice, places to recommend, places to avoid?
I guess it's better to find a manufacturer as close as possible from where I leave (for shipping costs) anyone know a good address in Canada (Quebec)?

Gold Phoenix ( is the company I use.  I think it's also the company Sparkfun uses.

Offline Chris_R

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #34 on: December 19, 2010, 06:05:48 pm »
Does anyone have any experience ordering from iteadstudio from anywhere except the US?  I'm in the UK and I'd like to know if I'm going to get stung on import tax

Offline LEECH666

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #35 on: January 17, 2011, 09:50:47 am »
That really depends on the costums regulations of your country.

Living in Germany for me it's like this (only takin small irregular shipments into account):

Anything under 22 Euro -> VAT and import tax free.

Anything over 22 Euro but under 150 Euro -> VAT has to be payed (19%), Import tax free.

Anything over 150 Euro -> Import tax has to be paid, VAT slapped on top of all ([value + shipping cost + import tax] x 1,19).

I also read that they forgoe any fees that are under 5 Euro. So the total VAT/import tax free value is a little bit ove 22 Euros.

I ordered their 10 pcs. 100mm x 100mm boards (actually 100mm x 80mm in my case) for 33$.
Given how weak the US Dollar is at the moment, the PCBs value is a total of around 24-25 Euros here.


25 Euro x 0,19 = 4,75 Euros

Guess I won't be charged at all (under 5 Euros). Let's see how this works out.

But even if I get charged 30 Euros for 10 PCBs at the size of 100mm x 100mm
is still pretty good.

The cheapest german manufacturer I could find want's around 50 Euros for a single 100mm x 160 mm
(Eurocard) PCB.

I hope the PCBs arrive soon (status just changed to shipped yesterday). :)

Cheers from Germany,

Offline Jon Chandler

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #36 on: January 17, 2011, 11:28:12 am »
I just received my first order from IteadStudio, I'm really happy with the pcbs and specially with the price. $16.00 dlls for 10 pcbs maximum size 5 by 5 cm and shipment included.

I will continue using them, I just ordered other 2 designs.

I ordered boards from IteadStudio in early December and received a notice that they were shipping about a week later.  The tracking information shows they were turned over to China Post in Shenzeng on December 12th, and they have not moved from there.  It's not IteadStudio's fault.  I understand that there's been a huge problem with China Post getting things shipped with the Christmas rush for iPads and stuff.

The latest word is that China Post is expected to clear the backlog AFTER Chinese New Year.

Yes, it's not there fault, but a six day turn doesn't help if it's going to be 6 weeks or more before I receive the boards.  I don't know if current orders are being shipped and faster.

Offline LEECH666

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #37 on: January 17, 2011, 03:26:37 pm »

Well I didn't take that into account. However, I am not depending on those PCBs.
The sooner the better, but I am not in a hurry.

Cheers from Germany,

Offline mitpatterson

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #38 on: January 17, 2011, 04:56:23 pm »
I have been using a service run by Dorkbox PDX in portland Oregon, run by Laen, he has a simple way of doing it, for shipments in the US shipping is free/included, outsiide he charges a mininal fee, check the site as i don't recall. But as of right now(1/17/2011) the price is $5 per sq. inch for 3 copies so $1.66 per copy per sq. inch(but you have to get 3 copies). It works sorta like batch PCB in that he collects a lot of orders and sends out a panel, difference is, he uses a US board house(i belive chicago area if i recall) and no setup or shipping fees. You can send him the gerbers or eagle files(then he makes the gerbers for you) the turn around time is 9 days from when the panel goes out(plus shipping time, so a little less than 2 weeks total) so a bit faster than batch PCB.

I know he trieds to do a panel at least once a month or so(latley they have been like 2-3 times a month) He also has tried to do 4 layers ocascionally(less often) and that is $10 a sq. inch.

the minums are pretty good:
6 mil trace width
6 mil spacing
15 mil clearances from traces to the edge of the board
13 mil minimum drill size.
7 mil minimum annular ring

He tab routes the panels so there are a small burr where the panel was broke apart, nothing a quick file won't take care of, but the rest of the edge is routed, so smooth. He also is very friendly and willing to work with people on their designs, look over them ect. hes caught quite a few of my silly mistakes before the panel goes out.

The website is The next panel goes the 24th of this month.

Also, he has now seteled on a nice purple color for the panels, he does reserve the right to change it though. And I Beilve the default finish is HASL lead free, he does offer the ability for people who want/need ENIG to pay/split the upgrade price, and i've noticed all the boards i've ordered so far have been ENIG, but no guarantees. I've attached a scan of the front side of one of my latest boards(a ardunio(328) based servo controller, there is one goof up on the silkscreen, my fault cause i used proportional not Vector for the "font'.)

***Disclaimer***: I am in no way shape or form affilated with other than a satisfied customer, I have not been paid or compensated for this write up/review. Prices and speciffications are subject to change, please visise for the most up-to-date information.
[/End Disclaimer]

Offline cjk2

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #39 on: January 18, 2011, 06:35:21 pm »
I recommend Gold Phoenix as well. I have had at least 5 panels made over the years by them and I have always been happy with the quality. They will route your boards to any shape you like (I like round corners) and allow you to put up to 6 different designs on a panel for $30 extra.

I buy the 100 or 155 sq. inch package then add $30 for multiple designs and $20 for "complex board shape"

So I end up at $150 or so for 6 different designs all with any shape I want and several copies of each. As others have said I always receive more boards than I order. Sometimes I have even had my order doubled for free.

Turn around time is under 2 weeks. I think the best I have received is about 10 days and the worst is around 15.

Offline LEECH666

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #40 on: January 20, 2011, 11:28:05 am »
Well, looks like my PCBs left Hongkong ;D

Cheers from Germany,
« Last Edit: January 21, 2011, 02:37:35 pm by LEECH666 »

Offline Jon Chandler

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #41 on: January 20, 2011, 06:57:09 pm »
Well, look like my PCBs left Hongkong ;D

Cheers from Germany,

Was this order from ITeadStudios?  Hopefully my experience is the rarity.  Maybe I should order my boards again and see if the second batch has a more timely delivery.

Offline LEECH666

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #42 on: January 20, 2011, 11:32:01 pm »
Well the picture displays an inquiry I did (at ) using the code I got 4 days ago with Itead's "Order Update" mail.

Hope it doesn't get stuck in customs.

Anyway I'll keep you updated, and will make some pics once I got the PCBs.

Cheers from Germany,

Minor typo fixed.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2011, 01:42:40 am by LEECH666 »

Offline TopherTheME

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #43 on: January 20, 2011, 11:43:00 pm »
You usually won't get any tracking info after it leaves China.

I think for my next PCB order, I'll shop american. Not that I've had any troubles with Itead or BatchPCB, but I've recently ordered some other items back in November of last year and still have yet to receive them. Although, one or several of these items you could consider as "questionable" and probably got stuck in customs.
Don't blame me. I'm the mechanical engineer.

Offline LEECH666

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #44 on: January 21, 2011, 01:47:07 am »
I've got to say I would be pissed if custom would hold back my goods for almost 3 months.
Let's see how this turns out. Time isn't really an issue, but as I said the sooner the better.

It's 2:46 am here now. I should go to bed.

Good night,

Offline TheDirty

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #45 on: January 21, 2011, 02:18:11 am »
For these transfers, usually you can use the Chinese tracking number on the USPS site to track it once it's landed in the US.
Mark Higgins

Offline metalphreak

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #46 on: January 22, 2011, 07:13:45 pm »
Shipping from Hong Kong last year was chaotic before Christmas. I had things ordered beginning of November that showed up 6-8 weeks later. If you are going to order around that time of year, pay the extra $2-3 for a tracking number (a proper one) if the company does it. Registered post tends to be prioritized ;)

The other option is to pay for EMS which is usually less than a week, but you're getting into DHL/Fedex pricing then.

Offline LEECH666

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #47 on: January 23, 2011, 01:16:23 am »
The shipping option I selected was Registered Air Mail.
I think the only other option was DHL which was way more expensive (roundabout 30$ IIRC).

Tracking to Germany seems unavailable (available for DHL only).


Offline Zero999

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #48 on: January 23, 2011, 11:50:37 am »
Looking more closely that the site, some of their boards don't seem to be very good, i.e. holes misaligned with pads.
I agree. I could drill holes better than that.

Although one person may have had a good PCB from them, their next PCB might not be so good. Going from what people have said here, it seems like the quality is inconstant. They might be subcontracting the work to various other companies depending on who's cheapest so it's the luck of the draw whether the quality is good or poor.

Offline Chasm

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Re: Searching PCB Manufacturer for hobbyist
« Reply #49 on: January 25, 2011, 12:01:05 pm »
How unfair, mine a re still on their way. =)

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