In your circuit on page 2 the opamp can only output a voltage within its supply rails, so if, for instance, you power the op amp with +5V and 0V, the MCP41100 will be ok.
Here is a publication form Interlink on various ways to interface with FSR sensors:
FSR Integration Guide - Interlink Electronics.pdf
Is your circuit one of these approaches?
My apologies I thought I had provided enough detail as I provided the suggested diagram from the pressure sensor datasheet and on that sheet in the pictures I have included the opamp number mcp6002 by the opamp picture.
By "flexible" do you mean "adjustable"? Yes.
What does pressure have to do with a voltage divider? A lot as pressure determines the Force Sensing Resistor resistance. No pressure 10Meg aplly pressure and the resistance goes down.
What is an FSR402? The FSR designation is Force sensing resistor (FSR)402 is the type. pressure is applied and the resistance decreases. With a voltage divider you can get a near linear response which is what you can see in my chart
Is RM just a resistor reference designation? in the picture on page 1 yes RM is a fixed resistor and on page two you can see the outputs for different values of RM. I wanted to have a variable digital pot there in place of RM.
The one thing I can say pretty certainly is that the schematic at the top of your page 2 will not work. Generally the current flowing into an op amp input is negligible < 1 microamp (if the op amp is working correctly). Then you will get negligible voltage drop across the digipot regardless of its setting. The voltage at the op amp + terminal will be V+, and Vout will be V+.
What op amp will you use and what is the voltage at V+? I have included the opamp number mcp6002 by the opamp picture.
What voltage will power the op amp? On Page 1 I have put the voltage in the circuit diagram and the datasheet for the sensor doesn't give a vcc for the opamp but I chose the opamp mcp6002 because it has an output that can get close to vcc so in my circuit 5v power to the opamp.
I hope that clarifies your questions and my apologies for not presenting properly.