Electronics > Beginners

soldring iron resistance and AC leakage

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i noticed lately that a lot of manufacterers have devices that check soldering tip temperature as well as tip resistance and AC leakage.

a few questions:

1. how important is to test the tip resistance and the tip AC leakage?
2. it's important to check it dayley?
3. it i found wrong tip resistance or/and AC leakage can i fix it in some way?


For the most part concerns about tip resistance and leakage are to reduce or eliminate the potential for EOS/ESD damage of the board being soldered. Here's a really good reference...


John ( Past President, Arizona Chapter of the EOS/ESD Association  :D )

The electrical safety standards in the UK state that the resistance of the earth conductor of and class 1 piece of equipment must be lower than 1 Ohm (I think, it might be even lower).

Some soldering irons are powered off a transformer which is best for both ESD and safety alike. The transformer's voltage is always under 50VAC (normally 12V or 24V) so the soldering iron is considered to be a class 3 device which requires no earth connection, although some models connect the tip to earth via a 1M or 10M resistor to limit the current of ESD as well as protecting the transformer.

when we lived in italy and the house had no earth (which I later installed myself) I remember getting a tingling feeling from a board I was taking apart and eventually realized it was coming from the iron, I was rather surprised (must have been like 20mA). Problem went away when i installed an earth


--- Quote from: Simon on October 01, 2010, 12:54:43 pm ---when we lived in italy and the house had no earth (which I later installed myself) I remember getting a tingling feeling from a board I was taking apart and eventually realized it was coming from the iron, I was rather surprised (must have been like 20mA). Problem went away when i installed an earth

--- End quote ---

I had the same problem before the house was re-wired.

There was no earth connection in my bedroom and the earth wire had a shocking voltage/current on it until I bonded it to the radiator.


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