I just got it back together after months of using it a table.......ridiculous
It's definitely different since this happened.
When AC or DC coupled to various oscilators I made and a little freq gen PCB, after a while power on and me changing v/div and time, the vertical gain goes wacky, with it jumping up above center line for a while, then jumping below for a while
And as I change the vert. posit knob, it does this up and down.
And it gets very blurry/fuzzy as it goes near the top/bottom off screen on BOTH channels. And it never did that before. Once I get into us/div its really weird.
Ch1 drops more or less altogether under 100us (since I owned it I guess)
Also the 1V-2V-5V anttenuator circt or its gain pre-amp
IDK , seems way off. The signal get blanked out to zero nearly on CH1.
Using Ch2 to probe Ch1 at resistor from the annten. to big pre-amp chip, the signal is there but just barely. ?(or well its getting through to ch2 from somewhere)
I zapped something extra for sure.
Replacement CH1 CCD is orded in the meanttime, for the orginal problem since I got it on ebay.
The time scale and trigger has problms too, how much of that is from the CCD IDK.
I have only checked a handful of main board voltages, and no wave forms yet.
Where should I see a periodic signal corresponding to the input signal....as I probe through the -attenuators
-DAC ?
I swapped the CCD's and am writting down the diag. codes both ways. But the main ORIGINAL ch1 gain prob. moves to ch2, so thats the CCD for sure.
I swapped the pre-amps, but never noticed much diff...but I must check again.
I want to check swap and check inside the antten. and maybe clean some relay contacts or something
How does that even come apart? but they are soldered on with mulitlpe pins too;
The things not calibrated either, thats another factor on its internal tests
here's 1 of many schematic's, but this one has hyperlinks by page so super easy to navi
can't find it yet??? google messing with me
here's 1 w/o nice interal links
http://w140.com/2430-SM.pdfBefore I zapped it ~115V, I would get a nice clean / crisp/sharp trace when looking at 1.2MHz sine wave for example.
Lately, it might start out like that, but after me changing ranges, and it heating up or whatever, that nice clean signal on the working CCD goes
The self cal and ext-diag's that fail are all 7000s for the CCDs, and a few PreAmp 8000s failures, and very few 9000s trigger failure codes
At least the computer side seems to work fine