Electronics > Beginners

Using Earth's Magnetic Core As A World Power Distribution Transformer

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Every Country would have  a primary/secondary tap.  Countries in the sun light would pump solar energy in to their primary tap and countries at night would remove energy using their secondary transformer tap. 

Lets not confuse this concept with Nichol Tesla's ideas/experiments.

The frequency selected would need to achieve primary coil resonance.  A 1550 mile north south existing transmission line (1/2 wavelength @ 60hz) may possibly induce earth's magnetic field enough to begin experimentation.

If a coiled primary winding is used it's length would be considerably shorter.

What if a coiled primary winding at earths natural resonant frequency (somewhere between 2hz and 9hz) could be excited naturally and provide free energy or it might require manual excitation from human ingenuity.

This is essential that we solve the worlds energy needs to avoid human extinction.




Where do I attach the energy meter?

(not even asking, how do you imagine that to work)

Xena E:
Full moon again?

The core isn't even ferromagnetic :-DD


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