Electronics > Beginners
Variable ossilator
carbon dude oxide:
Hello i know you can buy fixed ossilators such as a crystal ossilator but are you able to make a variable ossilator?
Paul Price:
How to do this depends on the frequency range, quality and fidelity of the output of the oscillator, and how much time/money you want to spend to build such a thing.
Cheapest way and a way to learn a lot about electronics: Buy a LM324 op-amp, a few resistors and capacitors.
There are one chip solutions, such as am LM324 and one of it's op amps can be configured as a sawtooth generator and the sawtooth can be turned into a squarewave by another of the LM324 opamp sections, and you could easily modify the sawtooth generator to generate a linear ramp or even create a tunable filter from the remaining op-amp to make the sawtooth output look kinda sinewave-like in shape. You cam use a knob on a potentiometer to change frequency and you can also use a multi-pole switch to change frequency setting capacitors to have it work over quite a range of frequencies with a lot of resolution of your frequency control knob.
Google it.
Or else if you can go to an electronics store and buy an inexpensive 555 timer chip, see the attached .jpg
Sure, i made it with my mouth
Tiiiiiiiiiic toooooooooc tiiiiiiiiic tooooooooc
Tic toc tic toc
It's variable sir
carbon dude oxide:
Ok lets say a range of 1kHz to 35kHz ish
--- Quote from: ddavidebor on May 20, 2013, 04:58:20 pm ---Sure, i made it with my mouth
Tiiiiiiiiiic toooooooooc tiiiiiiiiic tooooooooc
Tic toc tic toc
--- End quote ---
You, sir, are mean! :-DD
The term you should search for is "VCO" or "voltage controlled oscillator". 1kHz-35kHz should be no problem at all.
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