The BJT could also be replaced with a MOSFET but a potential divider would need to be added, if the total supply voltage exceeds the maximum gate voltage.
Yes i know that one, andeven tried to build it. It is the most popular schematic when you look for a VCO but I didn't like it because from what i have seen it was not as stable in wide frequency range without changing to different cap values and it has pretty big DC constant at the output. The one I showed earlier is zero centerd without using a cap at the output.
What sort of frequency range do you need?
To centre the voltage around 0V, a bipolar power supply is required.
Have you looked at the schematic on the datasheet for the LM339? It's very similar to the oscillator circuit posted previously. you want to run it off a dual supply, so the output is centred around 0V, then connect where it says V+/2 to 0V and 0V to -V.
With a supply voltage of 30V and a control voltage ranging from 250mV to 50V the frequency will sweep from 700Hz to 100kHz. If having the control voltage higher than +V is a problem, then some of the resistor values can be changed so the maximum control voltage becomes near +V.