Hi, i would like to make different style/purpose circuits based on single turn potentiometers.
The problem im trying to solve is using them as input devices, ai. setting reference voltage on voltage regulators and so on. The issue is, 10 turn pots. are either pricey, or come in that ridiculously small package with tiny screws. Same goes for multi select switches (encoders).
What i would like to achieve are different functions (in reference to turning potentiometer) such as log, exp, linear, but with sensitivity control. more sensitivity in set range ect. using potentiometers. Preferably using as few as possible components, and as ,,simple" ones as possible, ai. 2 pots, resistors, two or single pole latching switches, if necessary diodes and transistors.
What i absolutely want to avoid is using stuff like op amps and microcontrollers since it defeats the entire purpose and fun of achieving the desired outcome as simple as possible.
Any other suggestions for circuits, their uses, applications as well as using different components are more than welcome.
Just to re-state, the idea is to use this in op amp circuits for setting amplification factor, as trimmers, for setting voltage on voltage regulators ect. Where i would want full scale with a single potentiometer, but set up so that its more sensitive in higher or lover range, or having two potentiometer, one for full scale - Vcc to GND, the other one for fine (mili)volt or so adjustment