im building a pic12f683, light on sensor ting, and as im running it off a solar panel and a battery i would like to have the amp draw as low as possible, but now i have run into the interesting problem that i cant really figure out how to regulate the power for those small loads, the two regulators i have looked at, lm317t and lm2576, data sheet indicate that the minimum load is 10 miliamps, and my pic with voltage dividers is only drawing something like 65 micro amps at around 2.1 volts, so for now im just running the pic of a voltage divider, which im guessing will cause me problems down the road.
my input voltage is between 11.8 and 13.8.
I did try searching digikey, but it kept not returning any results.
So could someone point me to the the regulator i should use