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Electronics => Beginners => Topic started by: bwclark on March 29, 2015, 09:02:44 pm

Title: Which soldering station should I buy?
Post by: bwclark on March 29, 2015, 09:02:44 pm
This is common question, I have been looking around. I want to buy a Hakko or a Weller. The problem is that my parents don't want me spending $90 - $100 on a soldering iron. Although I want a station. I don't want one that goes directly into a wall. Also what is a wattage controlled soldering iron(station). One last thing, is the Radio Shack Digital Soldering Station( ( any good, I might be able to get this one.

Thanks to anyone that replies.

I am not doing SMD yet.
Title: Re: Which soldering station should I buy?
Post by: max666 on March 29, 2015, 10:08:27 pm
A soldering iron that goes directly into a wall, with no temperature control, is certainly something to stay away from. I'm not sure what is meant by wattage controlled, but if it's just dimming the power to the iron, without a temperature feedback and control, then that would also be no good.

If you say you'll want to get more serious with electronics and it's not just a thing you want to try out, then a quality Hakko or Weller will be a reliable companion for maybe the rest of your life. So a one time investment in a quality tool can save you money in the long run, also the day to day experience of a quality iron compared to eventual poor performance of a cheapo could also be considered.

But that's not to say there aren’t good cheap stations out there that are well worth the money. And it can also be argued that if you wanna get really serious with electronics then some time in the future you might need a second iron as well, so starting out with a cheap one and getting a good one later on is certainly not a bad plan either. And if in the future it turns out you don't stick with electronics then the cheap station might did just good enough in the meantime.

So sorry, no specific recommendation from me, but if you don’t have the money, buy a cheap one, if money isn’t that important, then it’s still a decision you have to make for your own if you go for cheap or more expensive.
Title: Re: Which soldering station should I buy?
Post by: bwclark on March 29, 2015, 10:35:00 pm
What about this: (
Title: Re: Which soldering station should I buy?
Post by: max666 on March 29, 2015, 10:45:00 pm
What about this: (

euwww ... like suspected, no temperature control.  :--
Title: Re: Which soldering station should I buy?
Post by: kamtar on March 29, 2015, 11:04:19 pm
I can recommend this one, it costs around 40 USD ( But i could not found it in any US shop.
Title: Re: Which soldering station should I buy?
Post by: Farley on March 29, 2015, 11:13:21 pm
I order enclosures from these folks occasionally. I don't have any experience with their solder stations but they have several to choose from: (
Title: Re: Which soldering station should I buy?
Post by: Hydrawerk on March 29, 2015, 11:14:15 pm
I can recommend this one, it costs around 40 USD ( But i could not found it in any US shop.
That is a typical Solomon-like soldering station.
Title: Re: Which soldering station should I buy?
Post by: bills on March 29, 2015, 11:17:32 pm
Where are you located?
I have a new radioshack station that I bought at a store that was closing.
If you are interested PM me, will sell it for less than1/2 the radio shack price.
Title: Re: Which soldering station should I buy?
Post by: flynwill on March 30, 2015, 12:05:11 am
I've had the same Weller -- the predecessor to this model: ( for nearly 40 years, and it still serves me just fine.  (On these irons the temperature is controlled by a small magnet in the tip so you get either 700F or 800F depending on what the tip is rated for).  It is pretty low tech by modern standards, and I see the "digital" models are now less expensive so that would be more sensible if I were shopping for a new one, but I would certainly buy Weller again if I had to.
Title: Re: Which soldering station should I buy?
Post by: WBB on March 30, 2015, 12:59:56 am
Get the cheapest piece of garbage direct from China off Ebay. If it never works at all or dies after a couple weeks use it as an example to show your parents why you need a decent soldering station. If it doesn't, consider yourself lucky (or not) and use it close to forever.  I don't have much experience with Weller but that $100 Hakko is an excellent value for a quality tool.  The problem you'll likely run into trying to keep your spending a little above crap but below quality is that you'll end up with a turd in a fancy box. Along those same lines, unless it's a going out of business sale or similar, radio shack is generally over priced for what you get.
Title: Re: Which soldering station should I buy?
Post by: Totalsolutions on March 30, 2015, 10:52:32 am
My go to iron is a direct plug in made by Antex ( I am a young (very) 63 yr old so hate mail gets tossed. Doing this since I did not know the hot end from the cold end. I am shocked by so called pros and there antics at soldering. Yep, viewed podcasters work and fixed plenty of bodges on all sorts of products. So I guess I have discovered how to work fast with the iron. The coolest setting to slow and heat soak. Notice how the users with stations seem not to solder and turn up the temp then leave it on high to get solder to melt. I was given a station but N E V E R use it, big and bulky tip size and where to set it? Just reach for the antex and plug in  the wall. I do have different wattage and tip sizes. It's a skill and I hope you spend wisely. Sure a stand and  good quality solder wick and tip cleaner (first time purchase last year). Also you would want a oven later but a station, nah get real.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Which soldering station should I buy?
Post by: PCB Michael on March 30, 2015, 02:26:15 pm
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Title: Re: Which soldering station should I buy?
Post by: picandmix on March 30, 2015, 04:28:10 pm
As Farley showed  that company has a load of stations and this one for just $25 + post. (

Its whats called a 936 far east clone but  they normally have a sensor in the iron so you do get decent temp control.

Its cheap as chips but as I found, they can work well  though you will hear loads of screams against using them. 

Davy has a video on the 936 clones as well., though mine was a much better built smd board (
Title: Re: Which soldering station should I buy?
Post by: GreyWoolfe on March 30, 2015, 05:43:48 pm
You really need to let us know where you are from.  You won't get specific information without knowing your country.
Title: Re: Which soldering station should I buy?
Post by: leham on March 30, 2015, 08:16:11 pm
I use a YIHUA 968DB+, It's a Chinese brand but much better build quality that the el cheapo one dave bought a while back (plus his one is only hot air).
Here is a review I made about it [url=] (

You can pick them up in most countries for about $100, I bought mine about 12 months ago for $180.

If you are in australia you can get one on ebay (Think this is the same seller I used)
]] (

If you do get this one, just don't use the "smoke absorber" as it is useless and just sucks the smoke through the bladder for the hot air...
Title: Re: Which soldering station should I buy?
Post by: smjcuk on March 30, 2015, 08:22:37 pm
Picking up a second hand cheap 936 clone tomorrow. It replaces a cheap Antex iron that has done me a number of years but blew up last week. They're pretty simple by the looks so if something breaks you can fix them easily and get spare bits off eBay or the junk box. Or plug a decent iron into the PSU.

Only problem is the catch 22 of needing a soldering iron to fix a soldering iron.

I had a top end Weller TCP one about a decade ago but sold it because I needed the cash. I can't say I missed it all that much but I'm not doing any heavy or delicate work. I did some heavier work on the car a couple of years back with a cheap gas torch and an Antex tip held with some pliers (I'll get shot for that idea :)
Title: Re: Which soldering station should I buy?
Post by: Fat on March 31, 2015, 05:09:16 am
Shop around for a Hakko FX-888D and you'll have a great iron that will last a LONG time.

I started out with a copy of the Hakko 937 and it was great for a first iron. The problem for me is they quit making it and so I can't get new heating elements (and I do a lot of soldering). I bought a Hakko 888D for under 90 US and they shipped it free. The cost was $30 more than the clone I bought 18 months ago.

The clone is still a pretty good iron and I use it when I need two irons for desoldering.  The Hakko is superb.  Well worth the money.
Title: Re: Which soldering station should I buy?
Post by: bwclark on March 31, 2015, 09:39:49 pm
What about this?: (
Title: Re: Which soldering station should I buy?
Post by: rdl on March 31, 2015, 10:01:10 pm
Look around here (