Electronics > Beginners

Would These Rockers Be Useful For Later On?

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Hello and here are appliances which have rockers I question about:

Old coffee maker and recently malfunctioned electric kettle. Can their rockers be proven to be useful later on? For example I have aquarium lighting that does not have On/Off switch and with one of the above potential rocker I thought of correcting this. Regards to electric kettles in general, I think somebody mentioned on this forum about them having delicate rockers, so I don't know if such rockers are safe to use, let alone worth keeping at all.

Additionally, is there something else to take off of appliances before I trash them?

on electronic kettles they generally have something like a bimetalic strip balanced inside of them, so that when it reaches temperature it will flick itself off, on some this also acts as a spring and can be a bugger to remove, i would say avoid if possible,

The blender one can be reused, but the kettle one is just a plastic moulding that operates an arm that goes down to the base by the power inlet, where it pushes in a pin on the element, which contains the actual switch inside. You will find a bimetal strip by the handle that is operated by the steam when the water boils, and this provides the push to switch the kettle off when it boils. It is a small u shaped spring on the one side, it serves both as sensor and spring for the switch.

I usually keep the power cords, always useful to have some at hand. The switch from the coffee maker is usable, but they tend to be cheap and nasty. Don't use them to switch on stuff that has a huge inrush current.

Affirmative! But should I also keep kettle's charging stand just in case my another kettle's stand malfunction? Of course I realize this is not universal stand which will fit all kettles however.


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