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changing the rigol DS1052E to DS1102E using USB , the dummy guide
--- Quote from: rifkum on March 01, 2024, 11:19:26 pm ---@SanFable
I would say the answer to your question is NO that is NOT the correct Hex byte to replace.
(But I am not an expert)
I have been experimenting with the latest 04.04 firmware as downloaded from Rigol
I opened the file in notepad++ and used the HEX plugin to view the hex file
I searched for "e50100a86108080510096089e67d0050"
which is found at 00019710
and replaced "e50100a86108080510096089e67d0050"
with "01" and did a SaveAs to a compatable USB memory stick
Then I inserted into the 1052E and it asked if I wanted to replace the same firmware with new?
I said OK and it did complete the update
After restarting it now
And I now have a new sweep time of 2ns VS the old 5ns
I then did a SELF CAL
And now the scope SEEMS to be working correctly as a 100 MHz scope
It still shows 1052E in the system info screen
I am measuring a 3.9ns rise time with my 74AC14 fast edge pulse generator
Hope this helps you
I have attached the MODDED 04.04 file I used for MY scope. (use at your own risk)
--- End quote ---
Thanks for posting this. Couple of questions:
Did you upgrade from an older Firmware to the newer 4.04 firmware before then updating again but with the modded 4.04 firmware?
Did you have to downgrade the firmware first, or just update with the new (edited) file?
I'm on 3.01 and wonder if I can upgrade to the modded 4.04 directly or do the normal 4.04 upgrade first, then update with the modded version.
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