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changing the rigol DS1052E to DS1102E using USB , the dummy guide
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The hack itself is simply updating the serial number and the model number but does not work anymore on Rigols with firmwares higher than 02.02.SP2, this guide has the files needed to downgrade to 02.02.SP2 , change the serial number and the model number using USB and then to upgrade again.
The downgrade is currently only possible for scopes who come with an firmware up to
See below , in step 2) is shown how to check your firmware version
Linux users should be able to use Python with USB, .
or echo to the USB mount
While this hack was successfully done by a lot of people there is always something that can go wrong.
It IS possible to brick your Rigol when downgrading / upgrading firmware .
So do this at you own risk.
Other scopes who are know to be hackable: the Tekway DST1102B
Steps to do:
1) Take the DS1052E out of the box ;D
Check if everything works as mentioned in chapter 2 of the Service Guide DS1000E.pdf
Yes, reading a manual before everything fails is not a bad idea sometimes...
2) find out your CURRENT firmware version.
To find you hardware revision chose on your scope the "utilities" button, , the lower button until 3/3, choose "system info". This will give the current firmware (not the full version string) and some other info.
Once in this screen press button "ch1" twice, then "ch2" twice then "math" once.
The hardware version will also appear next to "Hardversion". Note if this is 57 (or lower) or 58 .
Be aware !!!!!!! Do NOT press any key except RUN/STOP to exit while in this mode or you can mess up your scope.
Again, do NOT press any key except RUN/STOP to exit while in this mode.
Do NOT press any key except RUN/STOP to exit while in this mode or you can mess up your scope.
some examples of the firmware versions you might see: , shown as 00.02.02 SP2 in the previous screen and , both shown as 00.02.04 in the previous screen , shown as 00.02.04 SP1 in the previous screen , shown as 00.02.05 in the previous screen and, both shown as 00.02.05 SP1 in the previous screen
3)a) Get the needed files and save this in a temp folder ( C:\temp ):
* Download a tool like hashcalc to generate MD5 sums of files.
* visa462runtime.exe : the visa462runtime.exe is available here (54Mb) , this if for Windows 2000 up to Windows 7, see the readme.html on that website.
* Ultrascope for DS1000E Series.exe : . Make sure you use the "(VISA version)" one if your scope is older and you had this already installed.
When in doubt deinstall and re-install .
I uploaded the one I used to rapidshare here (12Mb).
This is the version that came on the cdrom with my scope which says version "00.01.07" in the help - about box.
There is also one on Rigol's website
* : the (11Mb) is available here on Rapidshare or Fileserve
* download from shafri's post here.
2)b) Install everything you need on your windows pc.
Do NOT connect the Scope yet
* Install a tool like hashcalc to generate MD5 sums of files
* Run visa462runtime.exe to install the usb driver/ VISA runtime.
* Run Ultrascope for DS1000E Series.exe to install Ultrascope. (This will also install some dll files who are needed for step 5 )
* unzip the in c:\temp
* unzip in c:\temp
I suggest to use 7zip it's free and works great.
After the unzip you should have now these directory's in c:\temp:
You need to reboot your pc now
Do NOT connect the Scope yet
3) Downgrade or upgrade to 00.02.02 SP2 if needed.
Do NOT connect the Scope yet
3)a) your firmware is 00.02.02 SP2 ( ).
go to point 4
3)b) your firmware is LOWER than 00.02.02 SP2 ( ).
If your current firmware is LOWER you need to upgrade to 00.02.02 SP2 to be able to use the USB connection method (point 4),
you should be able to use the "hack" itself without upgrading ( using a RS232 cable) but the USB connection method ( using "VISA" drivers ) will not work .
Easy steps to update the firmware to 00.02.02 SP2:
* empty an usb stick
* check if your usb stick works on the Rigol by plugging it in and saving some screenshots or so - see "to store and recall" in the user manual.
* unplug it again from the scope and plug it in your computer, check files if needed
* delete all files and folders from the usb stick
* copy the DS1000EUpdate.RGL from the "C:\temp\DS1052_to_DS1102\02.02.SP2_original" directory to the empty USB stick, there should be no folder and only only the RGL file on the usb stick
* "eject" the USB stick in Windows Explorer to make sure windows saved everything, plug it in again.
Double check your USB stick is working on the Rigol and the file is saved properly, seen at least one person bricked his scope due a bad downgrade of the firmware discussion here
Check the MD5 sum of the DS1000EUpdate.RGL file on your usb stick.
the MD5 sum for this file should be 272086b2037231c62446617436544a77
* unplug again
* plug the USB stick in the rigol and follow the Rigol menu "upgrade" instructions
If the Rigol does not detect the firmware use another USB stick or double check the file used.
* switch off and on the rigol when asked to do so
Check your firmware version of the DS1052E (Utilities button, lower button until 3/3, choose system info) it should list 00.02.02 SP2 .
goto point 4)
3)c) your firmware is HIGHER than 00.02.02 SP2 (( ) but LOWER than 00.02.05 ( )
you need to use a "patched" 00.02.02 SP2 firmware file in the "02.02.SP2_patched_to_02.04.02" directory
Easy steps to downgrade the firmware to 00.02.02 SP2 using the patched file:
* empty an usb stick
* check if your usb stick works on the rigol by plugging it in and saving some screenshots or so - see "to store and recall" in the user manual.
* unplug it again from the scope and plug it in your computer, check files if needed
* delete all files and folders from the usb stick
* copy the DS1000EUpdate.RGL from the "C:\temp\DS1052_to_DS1102\02.02.SP2_patched_to_02.04.02" directory to the empty USB stick, there should be no folder and only only the RGL file on the usb stick
* "eject" the USB stick in Windows Explorer to make sure windows saved everything, plug it in again.
Double check your USB stick is working on the Rigol and the file is saved properly, seen at least one person bricked his scope due a bad downgrade of the firmware discussion here
check the MD5 sum of the DS1000EUpdate.RGL file on your usb stick.
the MD5 sum for this file should be 8cd4e61ce6128b55ab18fc83fa756e34
* unplug again
* plug the USB stick in the rigol and follow the Rigol menu "upgrade" instructions
If the Rigol does not detect the firmware use another USB stick or double check the file used.
* switch off and on the rigol when asked to do so.
Check your firmware version of the DS1052E (Utilities button, lower button until 3/3, choose system info) it should list 00.02.02 SP2 .
(this is not a typo - the file was changed to "appear" to be a higher FW version when checked by the rigol's current firmware, but after the flash it does report as 00.02.02 SP2 - the actual version of the firmware itself is NOT changed since the actual firmware is take from a different part of the file, which is untouched )
goto point 4)
3)c) your firmware is 00.02.05 ( ) or 00.02.05 SP1 (
you need to use a "patched" 00.02.02 SP2 firmware file in the "02.02.SP2_patched_to_02.05.01.02" directory
Easy steps to downgrade the firmware to 00.02.02 SP2 using the patched file:
* empty an usb stick
* check if your usb stick works on the rigol by plugging it in and saving some screenshots or so - see "to store and recall" in the user manual.
* unplug it again from the scope and plug it in your computer, check files if needed
* delete all files and folders from the usb stick
* copy the DS1000EUpdate.RGL from the "C:\temp\DS1052_to_DS1102\02.02.SP2_patched_to_02.05.01.02" directory to the empty USB stick, there should be no folder and only only the RGL file on the usb stick
* "eject" the USB stick in Windows Explorer to make sure windows saved everything, plug it in again.
Double check your USB stick is working on the Rigol and the file is saved properly, seen at least one person bricked his scope due a bad downgrade of the firmware discussion here
check the MD5 sum of the DS1000EUpdate.RGL file on your usb stick.
the MD5 sum for this file should be 7cc0aac2e39f6a677dd0296344e33954
* unplug again
* plug the USB stick in the rigol and follow the Rigol menu "upgrade" instructions
If the Rigol does not detect the firmware use another USB stick or double check the file used.
* switch off and on the rigol when asked to do so.
Check your firmware version of the DS1052E (Utilities button, lower button until 3/3, choose system info) it should list 00.02.02 SP2 .
(this is not a typo - the file was changed to "appear" to be a higher FW version when checked by the rigol's current firmware, but after the flash it does report as 00.02.02 SP2 - the actual version of the firmware itself is NOT changed since the actual firmware is take from a different part of the file, which is untouched )
goto point 4)
3)d) your firmware is 00.02.05 SP1 ( ) or higher
andrewK just provided a firmware see this post , which should work for scopes.
The steps should be just the same as point 3c)
After the scope is on 02.02 SP1goto point 4)
For scopes see this post
4) connect the scope to your PC and test the USB connection
the ultrascope step is not needed as such for the "hack" it's simply to see if your usb connection works fine.
Start the DS1052E and connect the scope with an USB cable to your PC, a popup should ask you install drivers, choose "don't search for updated drivers" and let windows install the drivers.
If Windows mentions that the "installed hardware does not function properly" then, disconnect the scope, reboot, connect the scope again.
Start ultrascope, click on the little icon "connect" icon in the upper left corner (right from the floppy) to connect to the scope, in the left panel double click on "virtual console", click on "Run" under the "control" and play around to see if it works.
If it does then fine, exit the "virtual console" and then ultrascope and go to step 5.
It might be also a good idea to stop and start the scope again - mine sometimes "hangs" when exiting ultrascope.
If it does not work then there is a problem with the usb drivers or maybe you installed an old Ultrascope, in any case do not go further until Ultrascope works on this PC.
5) Change the DS1052E to DS1102E
yes, we are finally there :)
5a) automatically
Forum user shafri has provided a windows "rigupgr.exe" program that basically does the steps in point 5b) automatically .
The conditions are still the same, this will ONLY work on 00.02.02 SP2 scopes.
* Connect the rigol with the usb cable to your pc if not yet done
a) start rigupgr.exe from c:\temp\rigupgr (or where you extracted
b) Click "Check Rigol Model & Serial" button, it will show you the *IDN? result and your FW version. (it will automatically fill the new model and serial number for upgrade process)
c) Click "Upgrade Rigol" button to start the upgrade. Wait until it ask you to restart your rigol and click OK.
Dont do anything in between, this might take a while.
restart the scope and goto point 6)
5b) Manually
* Connect the rigol with the usb cable to your pc if not yet done
* Start demoIDN.exe from the "C:\temp\DS1052_to_DS1102\usbtool" folder
* select the scope in the first "Visa" drop down list (there should only be one line), then select "*IDN?" in the bottom drop down list and hit "send and read"
It will give:
--- Code: ---Rigol Technologies,DS1052E,DS1ED888888888,
--- End code ---
Instead of 888888888 you will see your serial number, copy paste the serial number into notepad, you need it later.
The Scope MUST have as firmware to do the hack.
* In notepad prepare 2 lines:
--- Code: ---:INFO:MODEL DS1102E
--- End code ---
where 888888888 is your serial number, note the difference between the original DS1ED and the new DS1EB.
* Next in the bottom select box of demoIDN.exe copy paste:
--- Code: ---:INFO:MODEL DS1102E
--- End code ---
and click on the send and read button - no output is given, that's normal
* After that , in the bottom select box of demoIDN.exe copy paste:
--- Code: ---:INFO:SERIAL DS1EB888888888
--- End code ---
where 888888888 is your serial number you prepared before, make sure you use DS1EB not DS1ED
and click on the send and read button - no output is given, that's normal
Now exit demoIDN.exe and switch off the rigol and then switch it on again.
Start demoIDN.exe again, select the scope in the first drop down list, select *IDN? in the bottom and hit send and read
it will give
--- Code: ---Rigol Technologies,DS1102E,DS1EB888888888,
--- End code ---
where 888888888 is your serial number
and your DS1052E scope is now a DS1102E....
got step 6
6) Update your firmware after the change.
Get your hardware version, that is the "Hardversion" found in step 2 of the guide.
HardWare version "57" (or lower) scopes MAY stay on but there no reason why you should NOT go to (00.02.04 SP1)
HardWare version "58" scopes NEED to go to (00.02.04 SP1) other wise there are calibration issues
HardWare version "59" scopes are reported to exist , not clear yet what Firmware version the NEED, suggest to try with 00.02.04 SP1 first and report from page 33 onwards
There seams currently no reason to go to for HardWare version "58" (or lower) scopes , some people even reported issues with firwmare that do not occur in 00.02.04 SP1, like this one
The (00.02.04 SP1) firmware can be found in the "C:\temp\DS1052_to_DS1102\02.04 SP1_original" directory.
Again, make sure your is file correct on the USB stick, you can use a tool like hashcalc to check the MD5 sum of the DS1000EUpdate.RGL (00.02.04 SP1) update file on your usb stick.
The MD5 sum for this (00.02.04 SP1) DS1000EUpdate.RGL file should be bcf73565352391935f3a9651d30776ee
If you really want you can go to ( 02.05 SP1 )
The ( 02.05 SP1 ) firmware can be found in the "C:\temp\DS1052_to_DS1102\" directory .
The MD5 sum for this ( 02.05 SP1 ) DS1000EUpdate.RGL file should be 839651c74a948cea1d8cccc21af9fc8a
7) After you are on your final firmware , let the scope run for 30 minutes to warm up and perform a self calibration as the very last step.
And do not forget to delete the *.RGL file of the usb stick after doing an update of the firmware :)
If you want even more MHz , help out in the DS1052E Up to 150Mhz Thread :)
OR you want less noisy fan: Rigol 1052e Fan Replacement
* To change an DS1052D (the model with Logic Analyser) into an 1102D the steps should be just the same, the serial number however should be changed from DS1ECxxxxxx (1052D model) to DS1EAxxxxxx (1102D model) See here.
* The pfd's in attached are the DS1000E_programming guide.pdf from dec 2009, User’s Guide DS1000E.pdf from July 2009 and Service Guide DS1000E.pdf from may 2009.
Excellent guide, thanks for the effort in sharing.
Thanks for the guide. I'm now less confused about going through the usb port.
Thank`s .... ;)
Thank you, great work!
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