I know exactly where you are in your thoughts about the hack.... I've been there too.
My 2 cents worth.... I had concerns about hacking my scope because it has the HW58 motherboard and challenging 2.04 SP1 firmware. You are fortunate to have the earlier hardware version but there is always the risk of the scope being corrupted in a firmware flash operation. The common sense rule is that if a firmware is fit for purpose and you cannot afford to brick your scope, don't mess with flash upgrades and hacks.
If you can afford to lose the scope and are adventurous.... go for it ! and enjoy the improved performance. Many users will find the 50MHz+ bandwidth plenty for daily work though. What I am saying is don't mess with your scope if you are happy with it's standard spec performance. You can always hack it later if the NEED arises.
Regarding the hardware mod..... it is well documented in this forum but is not for those unfamiliar with working on pretty small SMD components. You would need to remove an SMD capacitor and this provides the 100MHz+ bandwidth but loses the 20MHz LPF facility in the process. I was about to carry out this modification as I knew that I could both do it and, if necessary, reverse it at a later date without the risk of bricking the scope. For me it was the lowest risk strategy..... until 2.04 SP1 firmware got into the public domain

At that point I followed the well documented path of many others and, with some trepidation, carried out the firmware downgrade, hacked the scope and then upgraded to 2.04 SP1. All was well and I breathed a sigh of relief. For me it was well worth the effort and risk. I have found no disadvantages to the upgrade hack and calibration remains excellent.