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eevBLAB 113 - How Paid Media Influence Works

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Has this sort of thing always been out there for other then politics?   politics is mostly this sort of bullshit, but for business is it a relatively recent (say since the 1980's when economies changed to service economies sort of thing?

But I notice once you get something that people absolutely need.  Say fossil fuel companies or mining companies, they seem to be able to do and say what they like and people buy their product regardless.  They do not need to pay to go on Ellan and promote themselves.


--- Quote from: Ed.Kloonk on May 28, 2023, 01:08:01 am ---My solar car idea needs financial backing. If you won't support it, you're a racist.

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if a flying thing was made up of solar panels


--- Quote ---Has this sort of thing always been out there for other then politics?
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been around "long time"
Using something valuable in return for some benefit, is old. It probably got started as far back as the first sacrifice to "the gods".
So sometime after fire,  but before the wheel.  When mud was still "new".
For more "recent" examples look up "payola".


--- Quote from: DimitriP on May 28, 2023, 07:57:54 pm ---
--- Quote ---Has this sort of thing always been out there for other then politics?
--- End quote ---
been around "long time"
Using something valuable in return for some benefit, is old. It probably got started as far back as the first sacrifice to "the gods".
So sometime after fire,  but before the wheel.  When mud was still "new".
For more "recent" examples look up "payola".

--- End quote ---
this video epitomizes how the so-called corrupt get into power.
the bags of money under the table. pay to win office, known as the hanging chad or disappearing ballot trick or the deceased can vote.
also Justice for sale or the Get Out of Jail card. or the never ending war for more ordnance sales.
then also is the disappearing news scandal. or anti-promotion, known as news media silence or fabricated news.


--- Quote from: DimitriP on May 28, 2023, 07:57:54 pm ---
been around "long time"

For more "recent" examples look up "payola".

--- End quote ---

I guess it is something I have never had to think about in the past, living a pretty naive life away from all this sort of stuff.  The infomercials, they were obvious.  But the usual talk shows which I never watched anyway and never gave a thought about how they get their "guests".

The older you get and more you learn about people, the more you want to retreat into a cave. But I know most people are decent.


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