This sucks for watching on Mobile (they did something evil where watching in a browser on mobile automatically lags/stutters the vid, tried every browser and have high speed internet, they force you to use the stupid app).
What's worse is Youtube is profiling creators with ads. I've had my ad preferences turned off since a long time ago, so it's usually just random garbage, TikTok, Temu, the occational clickbait ad, exc. HOWEVER, I've noticed a disturbing trend with certain creators having horrible ads and it seems based on things like country or possibly even whether the creator has an accent. This is really bad when watching technical/scientific or educational content, as it's not only annoying but insulting to the creator, they don't deserve this. For example, on Chernobyl Family, A FUCKING INVESTMENT SCAM ("get rich quick" shit)! What the hell do you have against Ukraine, Alphabet Corp.? It happens on Diodegonewild's channel too! Weird scammy stuff out of left field, what's wrong with Czech Republic? Huh Youtube? There are other educational channels that have this issue but those are just a few that spring to mind.
Alphabet corp, or probably just the robot that runs Youtube these days, is a nationalist pig that needs to be thrown in a crusher. There's only two letters left in Alphabet...and that's F and U.