duh then i have a bunch of ticking bomb inside my lab

sometime i repaired some laptop, camera battery, vaccum cleaner etc that have old/degraded 18650 in them with new batteries i bought from a local seller who stripped and "untab spot welded" batteries from i dont know which devices, i guess from some "factory reject" laptop battery pack too. he's quite technical and provide battery capacity that he tested himself with his tool and warn buyers its only for diy type person only. then the old batteries that i removed still have some juice in them that i can reuse in flashlight and other smaller devices that are not high current demand. but protected (current limited) 18650 also available sold separately everywhere (usually with protruding +ve tab, i think they are meant to be handled by normal users for low current demand devices incl such as DMM, except a bit more expensive than the unprotected type that i bought. ps: reminds me of a new member in another thread who have issue fixing his oral-b toothbrush by replacing nimh battery

My Energizer 9V rechargeable seems to be doing OK. It's been six or seven months and the battery indicator still hasn't come on.
thats what happened to my 9V rechargeable. if i press battery indicator button, its blank indicating totally flat battery

after recharge, full 3 bars green indicator lit.