The "rent or buy decision" taxes the mind of even the best Harvard M.B.A graduate.
Here in the UK, the financial advantage of business leasing is operating leases are chargeable against operating profits; vis rent is tax allowable. However, if a business owns it's premises, this value becomes a fixed asset on the balance sheet. As an asset, if property values go up the business enjoys a capital gain, but a gain that's very taxable. Upside, tangable assets mean a business is more likely to raise finance for its projects but, a large chunk of liquidity is already tied up in bricks and motar; not in a gleaming new pick and place machine, for example. Some businesses opt for sale-and-lease-back agreements; they rent the premises they've just sold for a fixed period. Just remember, leasing companies are not there to make money for your company, they are there to make money from your company.
In the UK, just about every empty factory and office block is now being converted into luxury appartments! Imagine how many British sized condos would cram into 50m2?
(answer 6)