Sure. The manufacturers would hate that, consumers would hate that, and even in the best possible implementation a large fraction of electronics waste won't get recycled properly. Oh, and if you are actually serious about it (rather than using it as a fig leaf for "I want to keep using leaded solder and not worry about it) it is absolutely the most hobbyist / small shop / kickstarter unfriendly practice you could imagine, since basically all of those things would have to be heavily restricted until you showed you had the ability to guarantee recycling and safe disposal of your products for decades to come.
I don't mind people complaining about lead free solder. It is definitely harder to use and more prone to problems than leaded solder. That is established fact. But it also comes with real, documented scientific downsides. To say it is "legislation winning over science" is completely missing the point, and is actually anti-science since it ignores science which is inconvenient. Engineering (and law) are almost never about "A is good, B is bad", but the trade-offs between them.