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EEVblog #114 – Electronex 2010 Electronics Exhibition


Now thats what i call pornography! Here are some of it... The elongated-contracted sine wave (spring), eye diagram, and all those weird shape stuffs. Man! Thats a real "high class" pornography!

The video had an impressive subject ...  I have redirect lots of Greeks to it ..  8)

Dave said "Sex on a stick" 3 or 4 times on the video. He really needs to get more new phrases hehehe  :P


--- Quote from: migsantiago on October 01, 2010, 08:08:00 pm ---Dave said "Sex on a stick" 3 or 4 times on the video. He really needs to get more new phrases hehehe  :P

--- End quote ---
Those kind of phrases (not usually heard in tv), that make me stick to this blog.


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