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EEVblog #1176 - 2 Layer vs 4 Layer PCB EMC TESTED!

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What difference does a 4 layer PCB make to EMC radiated emissions compared to an identical 2 layer PCB? And why?

Dave does H-Field near-field probe testing on two otherwise identical PCB's.

Electromagnetic waves and the difference between near field and far field, and H-Field and E-field probes and wave impedance is also explained.

The PCB layout is then examined to look at loop area and by-passing and what effect this has.

Would be interesting to see emission differences between same designed boards in which one is smt the other dip.


--- Quote from: MT on February 02, 2019, 12:53:38 am ---Would be interesting to see emission differences between same designed boards in which one is smt the other dip.

--- End quote ---

Wouldn't be any different if the layout remains otherwise identical.
Would anyone be interested in a 6 layer version with grounds on the outside layers?

Can you stop bloody calling it "radiated" when you're measuring with a near field probe?  THANKS


Hello - I'm confused about the spectrum shown.  The harmonics are greater than the fundimental?
Is it because the higher frequency is traveling though the air better? or the switching are all out-of-phase a little bit and making the noise?


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