Author Topic: EEVblog #1270 - Electronics Textbook Shootout  (Read 4354 times)

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Offline jonovidTopic starter

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EEVblog #1270 - Electronics Textbook Shootout
« on: December 11, 2019, 08:22:37 am »
Electronics Textbook Shootout

What is the best electronics textbook?
A look at four very similar electronics device level texbooks

unhappy with other Electronics Textbooks?
publish your own book on electronics Dave.
your will be happy you did , when your too old to remember what you know now.
If you have it written in both Chinese and English text side-by-side on the pages, this will add future $ value to it.
Hobbyist with a basic knowledge of electronics

Offline 13hm13

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Re: EEVblog #1270 - Electronics Textbook Shootout
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2019, 11:42:48 pm »
I think you've mixed both types of textbooks into the bunch... at least from the USA perspective....
Here in the U.S., Floyd is for community college (2-yr college,  Associates degree, ASEE), and Boylestad is for 4-yr degree (BSEE, university). Not sure what other countries' college/univ. systems use. I do recall that exchange students from non-US countries noted Floyd-like textbooks from their country's BSEE coursework (i.e., less mathy).

About Floyd ... there is a companion LAB Manual (author not Floyd: Berlin??) .
Also, Floyd had other texts, like Principles of Electric Circuits and Digital Fundamentals (both excellent!!).


Offline MT

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Re: EEVblog #1270 - Electronics Textbook Shootout
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2019, 12:02:36 am »
Textbook for beginners? Then all 4 is to complex and boring for a beginner. A book for beginners should be simple to understand based on practical circuitry and applications, a headphone amp, a EQ, a VCO, a Volt reg etc, etc with following measurements and explanations of the circuitry and component functions and operations etc they should build and solder while reading. Then AOE is then much better anyway. Most textbooks are written by academics who dont solder particularly the books on MCU whos often absolutely draconian booring some just plain copies of datasheets.

Even a pile of old mags is more teaching then those 4 books!
« Last Edit: December 12, 2019, 12:08:58 am by MT »

Offline jesuscf

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Re: EEVblog #1270 - Electronics Textbook Shootout
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2019, 05:13:07 am »
As an undergrad student a few decades ago I got to enjoy "Integrated Electronics analog and digital circuit and systems" by Millman and Halkias.
Homer: Kids, there's three ways to do things; the right way, the wrong way and the Max Power way!
Bart: Isn't that the wrong way?
Homer: Yeah, but faster!

Offline Derrick Lazo

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Re: EEVblog #1270 - Electronics Textbook Shootout
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2023, 02:29:12 pm »
I think you've mixed both types of textbooks into the bunch... at least from the USA perspective....
Here in the U.S., Floyd is for community college (2-yr college,  Associates degree, ASEE), and Boylestad is for 4-yr degree (BSEE, university). Not sure what other countries' college/univ. systems use. I do recall that exchange students from non-US countries noted Floyd-like textbooks from their country's BSEE coursework (i.e., less mathy).

About Floyd ... there is a companion LAB Manual (author not Floyd: Berlin??) .
Also, Floyd had other texts, like Principles of Electric Circuits and Digital Fundamentals (both excellent!!).

That's a good point. Textbook usage can vary greatly between countries and even between universities within a single country. It's important to consider the target audience and level of the course when choosing a textbook.
It's also great to hear that Floyd has other texts, like Principles of Electric Circuits and Digital Fundamentals, which have been well received. Having a companion lab manual can also be very beneficial for hands-on learning in electronics.
Incorporating electronic textbooks into essay writing can provide a deeper understanding of the subject and help to support arguments and claims made in the essay. When writing an essay on electronics, it's important to use reputable and up-to-date sources to ensure accuracy and credibility. Incorporating information and insights from a variety of sources, including textbooks, research papers, and articles written by experts in the field, can provide a well-rounded perspective and help to strengthen the overall argument of the essay. You also can use which is very useful for such things.
Ultimately, the best electronics textbook will depend on individual needs and preferences, as well as the goals of the course. It's always helpful to get recommendations from others in the field and to consider reviews and ratings of the books in question.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2023, 09:57:52 am by Derrick Lazo »

Offline kermitfrog

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Re: EEVblog #1270 - Electronics Textbook Shootout
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2023, 04:54:52 am »
Has anyone mentioned "The Art Of Electronics"?

Offline SiliconWizard

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Re: EEVblog #1270 - Electronics Textbook Shootout
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2023, 12:02:04 am »
Has anyone mentioned "The Art Of Electronics"?

What can you see on the video thumbnail? ::)

Offline Black Phoenix

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Re: EEVblog #1270 - Electronics Textbook Shootout
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2023, 04:26:33 am »
Has anyone mentioned "The Art Of Electronics"?

What can you see on the video thumbnail? ::)

It is for the minimum 20 posts... All the others he done was since the Keysight give away started.

Before that it was August, 2022.

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