7:00 Mera was a Polish computer design/manufacturing company. They started with paper perforators, then calculators, later licensed terminal (this one) designs from Swedish company. They even tried their luck in microcomputers designing and manufacturing TRS-80 clone
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mera-Elzab_Meritum. It failed miserably, had to compete with superior black market Spectrums, Ataris 800 and C64s and cheap Soviet Bloc Z81 clones. After fall of Iron Curtain Mera managed to stay afloat by restructuring and switching market segments to point of sale systems. They are still a local leader in this field to this day, something very rare in ex Soviet Bloc.
MERA CM 7209 (MERA 7953) is a terminal dedicated to Russian RIAD systems, direct unlicensed IBM System/360 clones.
https://delibra.bg.polsl.pl/dlibra/show-content/publication/edition/13093?id=13093 'Dokumentacja techniczno-ruchowa MERA 7953N ; Monitor ekranowy MERA 7953N'
@EEVblog Are you sure the Z80 computer took 3.3V on that power input? I ask because I didn't actually see a point in the copper, and I'm used to seeing +3V3 these days - but I'm totally aware that's a more modern convention with EDA software. Any chance it's actually 33V, for some very odd reason?
"+ 32 V/1.6A - niestabilizowane, do zasilania bloku CRT"
CRT supply
8:00 Mostly Polish manufactured semiconductors on the PCB. Unitra CEMI UCY 74 series chips. MCY series were microprocessors. Unitra CEMI cloned Z80 as MCY7880, they even managed to clone Intel 8085 at one point, all behind Comecon (cold war) embargo. USSR didnt really like us having electronics industry. Poland was relegated to cheap labor and resources - coal and food was mostly exported east leaving the country hungry and poor. Meanwhile West Germany and Czechoslovakia got the industry and technology fields. Germany had VEB and Robotron to smuggle and clone western designs. Czechoslovakia had Skoda, Tatra, Tesla and other highly specialized manufacturers.
Edit: Ironically I went to technical trade school ran jointly with Unitra CEMI at around the same time it was sold to Siemens below fixed asset value. In my first year of school Siemens packed and send back to Germany all production lines, started demolishing manufacturing buildings and fired 6000 people. Its hard to remember Germany lost WW2 when you see what happens around you while growing up.
HMI display garbage software - and this is why everyone develops their own instead of using off the shelf.